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An Unexpected Gift

The high temperature dipped below 100 degrees so I actually wore a pair of jeans to my dentist appointment last week. That means fall is approaching! It also means NaNoWriMo is nearly here, and if I'm intending to participate this year, I need to get my act together and finish the current novel-in-progress. It is the final novel of my Silver Vision series (aka the "Sheralie" books), and it has been a challenge. I don't know about other writers, but there is something particularly challenging for me about finishing a series. All the plot threads need to be tied up, and the climax needs to be more than the climaxes for the other books in the series. Preferably the ending should also be satisfying, not one that leaves readers feeling let down, or worse, flinging your book angrily against the wall. No pressure. Between life (because yes, life does not stop for novels, I know) and the immense challenge of getting this dang book right, I'm lucky to get a thousand word

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