
I feel like this morning I found the Heidi who disappeared two months ago!

What caused this momentous discovery? A simple trip to the gym. I haven't made it to the gym since the first week of March. Partly it was because during the first trimester I have to cut my activity levels way down, but mostly it was because I just can't handle any kind of exercise when I'm nauseous.

This morning I felt well enough to go, and it was a huge mood booster. Granted, I could only handle 30 minutes of walking at a 3 mph pace, and even that was exhaustingly difficult. (So much for 5 miles at a 6 mph pace!!) But still, the gym was such a huge part of my life that it is a relief to go back. Now I have some proof that I do have some chance of going back to being a triathlete after the baby is born. (Nobody really doubted that but me. But my negative gloom about the future had been pretty strong the last two months.)

I also missed the community of the gym, if that makes sense. We've had a membership to this particular YMCA for almost five years now. Most people who work there know everybody in my family by name, and I know quite a few of the frequent gym-goers by now too. When I walked in the front door this morning, the lady at the front desk greeted me with an exclamation. "Well, look who's here!!! Where have you been?" I explained that I was pregnant again and had been sick but that I was feeling better. Immediately she was quite concerned. She congratulated me, but she also expressed hope that things would go better than my pregnancy with K. There's just something nice about having people know you well enough to care like that.

I also got a reminder of what life with B is like when I get her up early. This morning was filled with grumpiness and complaints and moaning and even criticism ("Mommy, I don't think you're driving the right way home.") I'd kind of forgotten because during the last couple of months I've never bothered to wake her up, just letting her crawl out of bed at ten or eleven in the morning, and she's a much happier girl that way. I feel bad for her kindergarten teacher already; she's going to be a miserable girl to have in class for the first three hours or so. Oh well. Maybe a miracle will occur and once she's in school she will start going to bed at night. I can dream, anyway.


mom said…
Yes!! Welcome back, Heidi!!
Anonymous said…
OH...JOY!! Good for you. So glad you were able to make it back. I'm rooting for you.
Kaycee said…
That has to be a good feeling! I am glad you are getting back to your old routine. (sorta) it wont be long now!

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