The Hope Project

Today, no matter how hectic or crammed your schedule was, I hope you took a moment to reflect and remember what happened twelve years ago, on September 11th, 2001.  I did, though to be honest my life is so full of things clamoring for my attention that it was only a moment.  But remembering and reflecting (and reading a few different blog posts and articles in the same vein) did nothing but make me feel gloomy.

If current events, politics, and the cruelty of human beings towards others make your feelings tend toward despair, here is the antidote I found during my personal study this morning:


It's an article by Vaughn E. Worthen from the September issue of the Ensign magazine.  I found the whole article to be helpful, but there were in particular a few things that I want to try to incorporate into my own daily life to increase my hope.

1.  Discover unexpected benefits: Anytime I have a particularly difficult day or a trial I plan to look at the experience from the perspective of what I can learn from it.  I'm going to ask myself the four questions posed by the Worthen and write my answers in my journal.

2.  Rejoice in life's small victories:  Every day I am going to celebrate two things that I accomplish each day, two victories that remind me that progress and a brighter future are always possible.  These two things I will try to post here on the blog on a new tab on the top.  It's only two things, should be doable right?  I can find two victories every day.

If you, like me, are struggling to keep hope alive as the world around us is chaotic and dark, there are more thoughts and tips in the article that might help you increase the hope in your life.  Join me as I tackle what I am dubbing "The Hope Project," my personal quest to truly trust in God and look forward to the future.


Anonymous said…
Such a good blog. Thank you, Heidi. My Sept. Ensign is sitting here unopened so I am going to read it now. I was reading an article every morning, along with scripture study (Bible for the first time) but started a new job and haven't made it to Scriptures/Ensign for over a week. Thanks for the reminder. It is SO needed in this chaotic world today.
Jean said…
May I suggest that your last thought before laying your head on the pillow is those two triumphs each day? Amazing results when you turn your thoughts over to your subconscious on a positive note!

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