Moving Forward

Happy New Year!

(So what if I'm a week late . . . at least I'm here!)

So 2015 is here.  I'd barely gotten used to it being 2014.  Time just seems to melt together and rush by now.  If it keeps passing faster and I'm going to be into my 80's before I even know it.  Yikes!!  I'm running out of time with my kids.  A feeling that would have baffled me back when M was S's age, and I felt like I had an eternity of child-rearing ahead of me.

This New Year transition was a tough one for me.  Some years it is.  The post-Christmas blahs met with my jacked-up eating habits and lack of exercise and created a perfect storm of wallowing.

Wow, wallowing is harsh.  But yeah, I spent New Years wallowing.  Couldn't manage to think of the positive.  Couldn't manage to tackle some resolutions (and I am one of those resolution-writing gals).  I had no energy to tackle the coming year.  Some of my problem was stress.  (Let's be honest, here.  I bring a lot of my stress on myself, but it is no less real for all that.  A little stress sometimes motivates me to get moving, but a lot of stress is crippling.)

But I've pulled myself out of the mire a bit and I'm striding forward.  (Helped quite a bit along by the fact that I managed a 3 mile run on Saturday.  I so needed that!)  Now I'm kicking around the ideas of what I want to accomplish in 2015 and how I can get there.

Spiritual:  I resolve to improve my communication with God.  I am going to focus on more sincere, heartfelt prayers, ones where I try to listen for answers.  (So often I fall asleep during them, so that's the first thing I want to tackle.  Staying awake.)

Physical:  I resolve to lose 10 pounds during the next year.  (Slow but steady recovery plan, using my food diary.)

Financial:  I resolve to find some way to save for a "new-to-us" car.  (It is inevitable that the van will need to be replaced, though I hope it lasts at least another year.  But the mileage is getting pretty high, and I drive a lot.)

Emotional:  I resolve to keep from exploding at my kids.  (This is going to be the toughest one of all.)

One of the most important parts of being successful at achieving goals is accountability!  So here I've laid it plain.  I plan to check in at least once a month on how this is going.  Another important part is making sure you don't forget!  So I'm also going to print these out and put them up.  Otherwise, the busy minutiae of my life will drive my resolutions quickly into the background.

Welcome, 2015!  Let's get going!


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