The End?

I'm tempted to throw in the towel when it comes to my blog . . . at least temporarily.  I'm not keeping my blog as a journal or anything so it's falling down the list of my priorities.   Life is just too hard right now.

What a downer note to end on!

It's true, though.  My life is swamping me right now and I feel like I'm hanging on by the very tips of my fingers.  I doubt I'll feel like this forever-- I'm sure the itch to write will still plague me and inevitably there will be crazy things that happen during the week that I just have to share.  But until S is willing to sleep without being held during the day, I'm going to shelve any attempts to post regularly.

I just thought I'd let you know, in case you wonder what happened to me.  I'm not dead.  Not yet, at least.  Just refraining from depressing you all with a series of dreary posts about how I can't keep up.  Better to simplify my life a bit!


Anonymous said…
You know what's best for you, Heidi, and we'll just suffer thru it! ha ha But don't forget us. Especially those cute & funny things the kids do. I wish the best for you and hope you get things under control soon. Love ya, girl! Pete
Lissy said…
I wouldn't blame you - I feel that way much of the time, but then I blog in spurts because I enjoy it. I mostly don't blog about my dreary thoughts because I don't really want to dwell on them long enough to express them well, or have people misunderstand and think that I'm depressed all the time, because my desire to write often comes out when I'm feeling down. Life is a crazy balancing act! Especially when your kids are young. I hope you don't end for good because I enjoy your blog, but you gotta do what you gotta do! Wishing you the best :)
Kaycee said…
I understand. I will miss your posts. Your one of my favorite bloggers to read. I hope you don't stay away too long and keep in touch on FB. Good luck with all your responsibilites.
Ashlie Dalton said…
Completely understandable! I'm getting there myself. I can't seem to find any time at all to blog these days. You need to do whatever works for you right now. I hope things get easier soon, I think about you quite often and wonder how you are holding up.

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