That's a Wrap

Technically, November isn't over yet, but since I just completed my 8th Nanowrimo, it feels like it is. I'm a winner!

I am very proud of this win-- every year I wonder if I will be able to pull it off, but I was extra worried this year.  It was the first time I tried to juggle all my normal stuff (I'm still driving hither and yon as much as ever), plus writing 50,000 words, plus Thanksgiving and my new (supposed-to-be-temporary-but-going-longer-than-I-thought) job.  To make it, I had to prioritize like an OCD list-maker.  Well, Terence would say that I am an OCD list maker to begin with, but I truly left no time unused.  Monday through Saturday started at 4:00am sharp.  (My first alarm actually went off at 3:50, so I was certain to drag myself out of bed by my second alarm at 4.)  I wrote while on my bike trainer, sitting in the carpool line for B's school, cooking dinner, and watching S play at the park, practically every spare moment that I could.  Like always, the novel itself is not finished-- I don't know how long it will be when done, but the Sheralie novels are shorter, ranging from 65k to 85k words.  So I am hopeful I can have a rough draft of this one finished in a couple of months.  But first I have to dive into Christmas preparations!

Thanksgiving was nice--Terence had to work (like he has for so many years in a row now, I can't exactly remember the last one he had off.  Maybe when S was a baby?) but the kids and I went to my sister Camie's house for dinner. She lives about two and a half--or six-- hours north, depending on the traffic on the I-17.  (If you live in the Phoenix area, you know exactly what I mean!)  We were lucky that the traffic was minor and our drive went smoothly.  Dinner was fun-- the turkey finished long before the sides, which usually isn't it the other way around???  I think Camie was stressed, but it was memorable-- especially Ryan putting the mac n cheese into the oven on broil and setting off the smoke alarm.  Blackened mac n cheese is a delicacy, right?

My nephew took us out on a short sightseeing tour so I could attempt to get a Christmas card picture for the kids, and I am ready to go back and hike around next time, when it's a little warmer.  Here's my favorite shot, though the resolution isn't good enough to use for the card:

What am I thankful for this year?  Well, the basics: my amazing husband, all five of the kids (yes, even the almost teen goofball), the health of my family (especially my parents), all our needs provided for, and most of all, my Savior, who has made it possible to weather the ups and downs of a couple of very difficult years.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!  May you enjoy the rest of your holiday season, and remember what's most important in your life!


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