June at Last!

Well, I'm back!

If you're wondering what caused the long blog hiatus, all you have to do is look at the last blog post title and that about sums it up.  May was insane.  In fact, so were the first few days of June.  I'd actually thought that June 1st would be a day I could finally take a moment and write something but no, I ended up unable to crawl out of bed with one of the worst headaches I've had in a long, long time.  At least it showed up on a day that wasn't already jam-packed with stuff.

Anyway, our school year is finished and we survived all the end of year projects and events and general insanity.  M officially promoted from eighth grade and now I have a high-schooler.  It's scary.  A couple of weeks ago I took her over to her new high school so she could take the Algebra I exam (she took Algebra I this year, but the high school won't count it if you can't pass their three hour long test on the subject, and she has two classes next year that require Algebra I as a pre-req.)  Anyway, I watched all the kids getting out of school while I got her checked in for the test, and wow, they were so huge!  The boys especially looked like hulking monsters.  (OK, perhaps I'm a bit paranoid but I'm sending my little girl into their midst!  Though M would not appreciate me referring to her as my "little girl.") The good news was that she only missed 4 out of 100 problems and so got credit for both semesters of Algebra!  Hallelujah!  Her class schedule for next year won't have to be revamped, and that extra credit means only one year of having to make up a credit for seminary.  (This is new to me too.  "Seminary" in the Mormon community is a class that the high school students take where they study the scriptures each day.  In San Diego, where I grew up, I had to get up and go to this class before school, 6:00 am bright and early.  But the high school that M is attending has so many Mormon kids that they have what is called "release-time" seminary.  She'll go to her seminary class as part of her normal high school schedule, which is a blessed relief for me as I won't have to get up extra early to drive her to school.  But seminary credits don't count towards high school graduation, so she needs two more classes, either taken online or as a zero hour before the normal school day.  Testing out of algebra means she only needs one more class.)

As for the other kids, they are mostly excited to be done with school.  (The exception is B.  She misses her class already, even though she will be having a "rollover" year, which means next year she'll have the same teacher and a lot of the same classmates.)  S is thrilled to have her siblings home with her during the day.  She does like having me to herself, but she gets lonely too.  In May we had cousins Livvie and Ally to stay with us for four days while Amy and Jason went back to Kentucky for Jason's daughter's high school graduation and S was ecstatic to have a playmate while the others were in school!  Sometimes it's hard being the baby I guess.

J is on the final countdown to officially becoming a teenager.  He's going into junior high and quite ready for it.  No worries at all, he says. He's also very excited about an upcoming scout camping/fishing trip.  Yesterday we went to borrow fishing equipment from Grandpa and J's almost set to go.  He's finally been on enough campouts that I don't have a panic attack sending him out anymore.

K is mostly excited to be able to play video games and swim with only minor interruptions (those pesky chores).  He begged for a sleepover at Grandma's and got to have one last week, so he's pretty content.

As for me, June is supposed to be my down time month, the month where I relax and recover a bit before wading back into the insanity.  So far, any time I have a day to "relax" I've gotten a nasty headache.  No fun.  My aunt swears that adding magnesium supplements conquered her horrible migraines so my mom picked some up for me and we're giving it a try.  Fingers crossed it works!  I have to be able to function.  MUST.  I have a household and a primary depending on me.  And headaches that leave me clutching my head and trying not to throw up don't fit in the plan.

My summer calendar (even for June) is pretty filled up for a "relaxing" month-- and our summer is pretty short (we start with the back to school open house days July 15th)-- but I intend to enjoy every minute!  I'll try not to completely neglect the blog quite as much while I'm at it.


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