In Honor of Mother's Day

Way back in the day-- three years ago, I think?-- there was one of those Facebook copy and paste with your kids' answers things.  (I've seen another version going around.)  Of course, it would be a novel as a Facebook post so I did it on my blog.  It's fascinating and hilarious and sometimes disturbing to find out what your kids think about you!  Well, I've decided to revisit the same questions with each of the kids (especially since S is old enough to answer now.)  So without any further ado, here are 13 questions about me which my kids answered without any prompting:

S, age 6
K, age 9
B, age 12
J, age 14
M, age 16

1. What is something mom always says to you? 

S:  "Yes"
K:  "I love you"
B: "I love you"
J: "Do your chores"
M:  "Do your homework"

2. What makes mom happy?

S: Me cleaning up the room.
K: Doing my chores
B: Ice cream
J: Listening to her
M:  When she gets sleep

3. What makes mom sad?

S: Not eating my food
K: Fighting
B: Daddy leaving
J: Being annoying
M:  Not being able to have sugar

4 What is her favorite thing to do?
S: Ride on her bike
K: Sleep
B: Write/Read
J: Write books
M: Write

5. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?

S: Because she was mad
K: Playing Breath of the Wild
B: Her amazing stories
J: Writing books
M: Writing books

6. What is your mom really good at?

S: Running
K: Breath of the Wild
B: Eating ice cream
J: Writing books
M: Managing a house

7. What is your mom not very good at?

S: Riding a bike
K: I don't know
B: Helping with math homework
J: Being an Italian plumber
M: Not eating ice cream

8. What do you and your mom do together?

S: Go to the park together
K: Exercise
B: Talk
J: Play Words with Friends
M: Rant

9. How are you and your mom the same?

S: Because some things we do the same
K: We like The Legend of Zelda
B: We both like purple
J: We're from the same family
M: We both like to write

10. How are you and your mom different?

S: We don't say the same words.
K: I'm tan
B: I draw a lot
J: Different names
M: I'm a night owl

11. How do you know your mom loves you?

S: Because "she's my favorite S in the whole world"
K: Because she scratches my hair
B: She says "I love you" to me
J: Cause I know
M: She lets me eat ice cream

12. What does your mom like most about your dad?

S: Loves him doing his work
K: He's part of our family
B: How funny he is
J: He's nice
M: He's her best friend

13. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?

S: The gym
K: To McDonald's
B: The beach and here
J: Home
M: Somewhere that has ice cream

Well, last time my favorite place to go according to K was Walmart, and this time it is McDonald's.  I guess McDonald's fits in with M's answer-- it does have ice cream after all! (Mmmm, ice cream!  M does know me well.)


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