We Did . . .

Nineteen years ago today I took a wild leap of faith.  Well, marrying your best friend isn't exactly a wild leap of faith.  But getting married, no matter the circumstances, is always at least a little bit like jumping off a cliff. Even though I was about as sure as I could be that marrying Terence was a good choice, I didn't KNOW that things would turn out all right. (Technically, you could say I still don't know that for sure, we--hopefully-- still have many years of life ahead of us. But I have 19 years of experience to help me say I'm pretty sure we're on the right track.)  When Terence and I went out to lunch today to celebrate, he asked me if I'm still glad I married him.

Absolutely!! No regrets.

Even through two (kinda three if you count that B was born in NM) states, six homes, five kids, four miscarriages, six cars, four dogs, six surgeries, two car accidents, and I don't even know how many ER visits. Even through depression, addiction, anxiety, and autism.

Quite a rollercoaster ride for the girl (or the woman, I guess I'm not exactly young anymore) who doesn't like drama and finds change terrifying.

But still, no regrets.

I love you, Terence.  I'd do it all again in a heartbeat!


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