One More Week

The Month of Madness is almost over!

Thank goodness.  Some days I have wondered if I was going to hold it together.  I definitely worried about the kids, too.  Mostly M and B, who have had the school sojourn in Hades for the last, oh, six weeks at least.  But we are staggering over the finish line one by one.  J is done with his freshman year.  M will finish her junior year today.  And by the end of next week, B will finish seventh grade, K will finish fourth grade, and S will finish first grade.

There is light at the end of the tunnel!!

But why, oh, why must teachers assign a gazillion major projects for the end of term?  Even in classes like college precalculus? We've been making daily trips to Walmart for additional "supplies" for various ridiculous projects like homemade board games and egg protection devices and paper roller coasters.  Not to mention the hideous "design a hurricane-proof house and build a model of it out of recyclable materials" project.  I kind of get it in M's case.  She had two AP classes and one dual college enrollment class who all essentially took their real finals earlier in the month (i.e. the AP tests) but the school still requires every class to have a final exam or project.  So this was the teacher's way of having a "final" when the students really don't need to take another major test.

But we are all so done with projects.

On a completely unrelated note, what on earth is going on with the weather in the desert?  It feels like whiplash.  One day it's 101 F, the next it's 60 F.  If we lived in Chicago, I would get it, but Phoenix is usually pretty consistent.  We've had rain and lots of cloudy days and thunderstorms and very cool temperatures when May is usually sunny and very warm.  Odd.  I mean, I shouldn't complain, I'm sure we'll get to 110 degrees soon enough, but the poor kids and their end of the year water parties!  They have become little popsicles instead of eating popsicles.

On another unrelated note, the editing of Roran Curse #5 (The Search for Ulyssa) and Roran Curse #6 (Shadows of Zenith) are going well. I've almost finished my corrections for #5, and it will be turned in for final formatting soon.  At this point we are probably looking at a July release for #5 and an August release for #6.  Fun stuff, right?

Bring on summer!!


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