Welcome, 2020!!
I was almost swallowed by the January morass, but I think I'm dragging myself out now. I may be wet and slimy and covered with muck, but spring sunshine should help clear all that away!!
Seriously, I need more sunlight in my life. Terence calls me his flower for a reason. I know we get rain every winter, but this is the desert, for pete's sake. I like it better when we get most of our year's moisture during the monsoon, instead of December and January. Between the short days and the clouds and the rain, I have been dragging.
The good news is that I survived it. The bad news is that I struggled to get anything more than the bare minimum done during the last three weeks. Once upon a time I used to deal with the January blues by setting New Year resolutions and jumping into goals. But this year? I couldn't face the idea of resolutions.
Worse than the January depression was the anxiety. I'm so tired of it. It's not severe-- it doesn't impede me from "normal functioning," but it's constant and unrelenting. *sigh*
Anyway, now that I'm able to look forward to 2020 without having a panic attack, this is what I'm looking forward to this year:
- M's graduation from high school and leaving for college. This is a BIG change. Obviously. She's already been accepted to her first choice school and starts September 14th. Out of state. In a place with winter. Yikes!!!!!
- J getting a job. We hope. So that he can get a driver's license. (We can swing M's insurance but not his. But we definitely need another driver when she leaves!)
- B graduation from 8th grade and starting high school. We're going to apply for open enrollment at the same high school M attends. Fingers crossed she gets in!
- K getting in shape :) His dad says this is the year when it's time to crack down. Oh boy.
- S just generally being an upbeat whirlwind. She is such a joy. I thank my lucky stars almost every day we were blessed with surprise baby #5. Heavenly Father definitely knew what we needed.
- Losing the weight that has crept back on during the last couple of years. I'm trying to be really good. So far so good. (But I still have a ways to go.)
- Writing two books in my new fantasy series.
- Running my last half marathon distance race. I should (knock on wood) earn my Phoenix star in just three weeks, which I have been working toward for five years. But my knees are truly starting to give me problems, and since I already have more or less permanent achilles problems, it's time to let the long distances go. I still want to be able to walk twenty years from now!
- Celebrating my 20 year anniversary with Terence. Can you believe it?????? I can't. I need to plan something. Probably the normal running for ice cream after Walmart type of anniversary date is not good enough for a milestone like this.
I had no idea what I was in for.