Black Irksome Friday

You know, getting annoyed is not something I really enjoy. I don't seek out opportunities to get irritated or exasperated or enraged. That's one reason I have never (not once) joined in the Black Friday shopping madness. I don't enjoy shopping much on the best of days, let alone when I would have to wait in line in the cold and drive around to places with no parking and fight over stuff with absolute crazy-for-bargains people.

So to save myself the aggravation I just don't go out the day after Thanksgiving. Pretty much I spend the day putting up Christmas decorations and getting in some exercise to make up for everything I've eaten during the holiday. Today I intended to have a laid back, irritation-free day. Unfortunately, since that included putting up the outdoor Christmas lights, I had to cope with my neighbors.

Have you ever lived next to someone who's about as different from you as can be? But not just different in a quiet, unobtrusive way-- different in a way that forces their lifestyle on you? That's kind of our situation right now. My neighbors are nice enough-- we are friendly with them-- but the loud ATV and dirt bike riding up and down the road is not popular with anybody on the street. Today it was even worse than normal. They had more people visiting than usual (and every weekend they have somebody over) and it seemed like the loud revving of engines was never going to end. It's grating enough inside the house, but since I was outside for quite awhile, my eardrums started to hurt. Not to mention that I felt like I was constantly breathing in the exhaust. Ugh.

Then there was the rest of it. Not only did the kids and I have to breathe an extra concentration of exhaust, there was also the cloud of cigarette smoke that seemed to migrate right into our yard. Even more disturbing were the loud conversations in which the foul language was practically shouted. Walking out my front door was like stepping into a R-rated movie. And of course, my kids came outside with me and got exposed to this poison, both physical and spiritual.

As if that wasn't enough to ruin my day, the Christmas lights I put up quit working right after I finished getting them all strung up. I had a different set I was able to use, but first I had to take the others down, and then hang the second set up. What a headache-- especially since all the while I was getting the exhaust/cigarette/swearing treatment as a bonus.

And for the crowning way to spoil my day, I went and ate half of an apple pie, all by myself.

I feel sooooo sick right now. I sincerely hope tomorrow is a better day.


Anonymous said…
Oh, poor Heidi! I have a story almost the same. After TG dinner at Cindy's yesterday I loaded up a big plate with EVERYTHING and all the trimmings (rolls & pie) to take to my neighbor who does my lawn in the summer. I got home after dark and decided to take it to him before I went in the house. As I walked up to his house, he hadn't pulled the blinds and was watching the WORST X-rated video on TV. I was so embarrassed. He came to the door drunk and smoking a cigar. I wished him a happy day and took off quick. Ooooh, I was irked!! Spoiled an otherwise beautiful day!
Kaycee said…
How aweful! I am sorry. It maybe would have been better to go out in Black Friday.
VKMyers said…
I really don't like neighbors like that. We had some not too long ago that did everything except the ATV/dirt bike thing. They would actually take their kids out into the backyard to cuss them out. Ususally meant we had to go inside to keep my kids from being blasted with horrifically foul language. And it's annoying when you go outside to enjoy the fresh air, only to find yourself sucking in someone's secondhand smoke. Sorry that you had to deal with that!
Ashlie Dalton said…
we somehow always get neighbors like this.
i may just choose my next house strictly based on the neighbors.

sorry, what a bummer!!!
Lissy said…
I'm with you on avoiding the shopping madness. What a day - Thank goodness you aren't in the apartment unit next to them! We have a bunch of smokers surrounding us too - it is lame. It always surprises me when neighbors bring loud foul mouthed arguments outdoors for all the world to hear. I guess they just really don't care what anybody thinks. Hope the rest of your weekend was better :)
Amy said…
I love black friday (its not that bad).
My neighbors are really nice people but they smoke outside all the time and the smell drifts into our house if we have any windows open - it REALLY annoys me.

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