The Precipice Loometh

I feel like I can't breathe. My house is a complete shambles, I have laundry (both clean and dirty) piled all over my living room, there are no clean cups or bowls or spoons left, the carpet desperately needs to be vacuumed, the kitchen floor is a fully stocked buffet for the resident crickets, and I don't have a clue if homework got done today. And I've been moving non-stop since 5:30am. The pressure is on to have my house picked up-- I have piano students tomorrow, and I will be home for only a couple of hours-- will it be enough? Including the fact that I have flash cards to make for the students?

I wouldn't even be able to sit down and type this, except that I had to take the time out to ice my ankle anyway (for the first time today, even though I'm supposed to do it about 4 times a day, per the doctor's orders).

Oh dear. Something has really gone awry in my life. I need to pare down my to-do list a bit. But how to sort out the good from the necessary from the absolutely critical???


Anonymous said…
My goodness girl, somethin's gotta give. Do the kids have chores? It shouldn't be that hard for you. Give them responsibility then take away privileges if they don't comply. Mine always had to work. There just gets to me too much to do otherwise. Good luck!
VKMyers said…
That was the part of the Bishop's talk on Sunday that really stuck with me. How do you get it all done? You don't. You just do your best. Of course, that doesn't help when your list is all need to do's instead of want to do's. I agree with making sure the kids take part of the responsibility for keeping your house nice. I'd say allow them to earn priviliges instead of taking them away. If they do their part, they get to earn video game time, play time, time with you, a play date, etc. It's worth a shot.
Ashlie Dalton said…
this is how i felt today... not time to sit at all. i can't believe you live every day like this. ahhhhh!

crazy girl.

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