Checking my Political Pulse
It's that time again. The final stretch toward another presidential election is looming. It feels like this campaign has been going on forever. (Does the campaign season for the next election start a bare few months after the new official takes office? It sure seems like it sometimes. Probably there will already be rumblings about the 2016 election come February of next year.)
I dislike politics and yet cannot be apathetic or ignore this reality of living in our country. It feels like it matters so much and so little at the same time. But there is one thing I'm certain of, I really dislike the run up to elections now that I'm part of the social media world. There is nothing worse than having to read obnoxious or irritating comments and posts all the time, even from people whose politics I agree with. And for some reason, I have Facebook friends who seem oblivious to the fact that they might have people they love and care about on their list who disagree with their politics, since they make a lot of statements about "people who support [fill in the blank] are stupid, ignorant, selfish, evil, etc. . . ." (I wish I could automatically filter out any post that uses the word "sheeple." It is one of the most annoying words ever coined.)
Yet like I said, politics matter deeply to me too. I guess that is not a bad thing, since we live in a republic where all our citizens are expected to contribute in one way or another, at least by making an informed vote for somebody to represent your interests. I was thinking about that this morning and pondering a little bit about what qualities my ideal candidate for president would possess. Here is the list that I came up with:
Now the trick is to find someone who someone fits this, right? We all know politicians (and their campaign crews) say all kinds of things which may or may not be true. Not to mention that I'll probably never find an exact fit for my particular brand of priorities. But it was an interesting exercise to sit down and see what really matters to me.
I dislike politics and yet cannot be apathetic or ignore this reality of living in our country. It feels like it matters so much and so little at the same time. But there is one thing I'm certain of, I really dislike the run up to elections now that I'm part of the social media world. There is nothing worse than having to read obnoxious or irritating comments and posts all the time, even from people whose politics I agree with. And for some reason, I have Facebook friends who seem oblivious to the fact that they might have people they love and care about on their list who disagree with their politics, since they make a lot of statements about "people who support [fill in the blank] are stupid, ignorant, selfish, evil, etc. . . ." (I wish I could automatically filter out any post that uses the word "sheeple." It is one of the most annoying words ever coined.)
Yet like I said, politics matter deeply to me too. I guess that is not a bad thing, since we live in a republic where all our citizens are expected to contribute in one way or another, at least by making an informed vote for somebody to represent your interests. I was thinking about that this morning and pondering a little bit about what qualities my ideal candidate for president would possess. Here is the list that I came up with:
- The number one most important thing I care about in a candidate: integrity. It matters more than anything else. A candidate who is true to his ideals and honest will always be a better option for a leader in my book.
- A person who sees his or her role as president as one of service. This is simply a matter of wanting someone in office who isn't on a power trip, for obvious reasons.
- Someone who believes in fiscal responsibility. I believe that debt is bondage, plain and simple. I don't expect our country to function free of debt at all times, but it should be an avenue of last resort during emergencies only. I use these principles in my household, and I want my country to function the same way.
- Someone who will uphold the freedoms guaranteed to us in the constitution: the freedom of speech, protection of religious beliefs, right to bear arms, etc. I realize the tricky part is the in the details when it comes to this, but this is where the moral issues come into play also. Legalizing same-sex marriage and then forcing churches to recognize them and perform them is wrong; it violates their religious rights. Same thing with requiring religious organizations to provide birth control and abortions if it is against their beliefs. I want a president that will continue to make sure these freedoms are not eroded.
- Someone who recognizes that illegal immigration is a complex problem that needs to be addressed and will do something about it along these lines: the border needs to be secured first of all. Then new policies need to be implemented that will still allow for an adequate amount of legal immigration and provide a way for our permanent illegal class to work their way into legal status. If they choose not to meet the requirements, then they can be returned to their home countries.
- A world leader that believes that America can be a great force for good in this world and acts accordingly. (That means not apologizing to every country around us for what we are.) I believe that peace should always be pursued diligently. If war becomes inevitable, we need a leader who believes in fighting hard for a decisive victory and then helping to rebuild whatever mess ensues afterward. We are one of the most blessed countries on the planet and our interactions with other countries should help them, not exploit them.
- A leader who recognizes that our federal government has a limited list of what it can accomplish well. Reducing unnecessary and burdensome government agencies and regulations should be a priority. Having worked for a government agency as well as in the private sector (as well as being married to someone employment by a government agency), I am a firm believer that government bureaucracy is rarely efficient. In most cases, it's better to limit the scope of our government.
What really matters to you?
I do post political things. Sorry if it bothers you.