I'm the Mom, I HAVE to Get in Gear

I'm blogging so that I can procrastinate doing stuff that absolute has to be done, but just thinking about it makes my chest start to get tight and my head to hurt.

I made a list of things that have to be done before we leave on vacation next week, and I'm not making fast enough progress through that list.  Every time I think about it I start to hyperventilate and my default coping mechanism is to push it out of my mind, refuse to think about it, and distract myself with something else.

But as you can imagine, this strategy just makes the problem worse.  It leaves me with less time to accomplish all that needs to be done.  Which in turn makes my panic all the more unbearable so I try to escape even more and so the downward spiral continues. . . .

There has to be a better way.  But going on vacation takes such a lot of energy with five kids.  And I know it's not going to be relaxing, and I'm going to be in dire need of a break when I get home, but I have so much going on starting right after we get back, thinking about that makes me panicky also.

Once upon a time the end of June was a magical time of long, lazy days and nothing much to do.  I used to get bored.

Boredom would be preferable to anxiety.

OK, I don't really want to layabout all day with nothing going on.  I'm the kind of gal who needs to be accomplishing stuff to feel good about myself.  But I wish I could de-stress and tackle my life positively somehow.

Procrastination break over.  Now I just HAVE to make a packing list for the kids plus myself or I'll never remember it all!


Kaycee said…
packing for a big family is hard! I have to have lists and it's just overwhelming. I hope it went smoothly

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