A Week of Moments
- Having S climb up onto my bed and snuggle with me when I had a throbbing headache, whispering "I love you, Mommy"
- Sending M off to babysit for someone else and realizing again how much she has grown up
- Standing in line in the warm, soupy rain with Terence for the best gelato in the valley
- Cleaning out the expired stuff in the medicine cabinet and realizing that we've been really blessed-- no one's been seriously sick or hurt for a long time.
- Hearing a deep voice from the other room and freaking out before realizing again that it was actually J, not some stranger in my house
- Running with my sister in the awful humidity for 4 miles and not giving up-- and thinking how lucky I am to have Amy living so close by
- Reading and discussing a book with K, only to have him turn to me and very seriously tell me that he doesn't want me to ever die
- Apologizing to B for losing my temper and having her give me a tight hug and tell me it's OK
- Driving home with a vanful of kids after piano and swimming and watching lightning strikes from three directions out the windows
- Making loaves of sourdough from my own starter and then having everybody actually eat them!
- Stealing moments to hold Terence tight and feel so loved that it takes my breath away
My week has been very normal, and we are back in the routine of school, but I realized this morning that my week has been full of little jewels, blessings and moments that make life worth living. I just had to look for them!