Matters of the Heart
It's Valentine's Day??? What? I spent the day working on taxes.
All right, all right. I didn't forget. I had a card and a piece of chocolate cake for Terence this morning, and some candy for each of my kids. The younger kids all had their class valentines ready to go. We're not total slackers around here.
And yet . . .
It still seems kind of strange that there is no love (or crushing of any kind) in the air around here. Well, sure, Terence and I are still gushy enough for a married couple (hey, I kissed him at the gym). But for a house that has two teens and one so close she's practically a teen, there was zero angst about the day. No excitement. No plans to attend a dance. No giddy hopefulness.
Look, I'm really not complaining about the lack of boy-crazy (or girl-crazy) in the house. B is disgusted or annoyed by the boys she knows, but that's not unusual in the 12 year old crowd. I'm certainly glad my autistic 14-year-old has not a smidgen of interest in girls yet, because I'm quite certain his lack of social skills would cause nothing but grief. As for M, I should be grateful that she is not following in my footsteps. (My sixteen year old Valentine's Day was spent with a boyfriend I was head-over-heels for-- who had just recently dropped out of high school. I'm sure my parents were desperately praying that it was not going to be a long term relationship.)
Still, it would be reassuring to know that M at least found boys attractive. Any real life boy. I'd even settle for a fan-girl crush on Justin Bieber. As it is, she has admitted only to attraction to fictional, not-even-human, video game characters. Like Link.
Um. I'm quite sure there are no Hylians in her future. As for the idea of an anthropomorphic hedgehog as a son-in-law, I'd take the high school dropout any day.
I'm not concerned, not really (especially since I've been informed by Buzzfeed or some such site that childhood now lasts until you're 30 *snort*) but K is downright worried. More than once he has come to me privately with questions like: "What happens if M doesn't get married?" or "Can M get married without dating?" Last Sunday, on the way to church, he broke out with an order: "M, you NEED a boyfriend!" Needless to say, she wasn't impressed by her little brother's demand. It did provide loads of entertainment for everyone else in the car though! I told K that his sister probably wouldn't be adverse to dating a guy if he was into Zelda and Sonic and sprite animating, but those guys seem to be in short supply. K has taken it on as a personal mission to track one down. So if you know of any, you can pass it on to my 9 year old matchmaker. I can't wait to see what he comes up with when he decides it is time for J to find a girlfriend....
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!
All right, all right. I didn't forget. I had a card and a piece of chocolate cake for Terence this morning, and some candy for each of my kids. The younger kids all had their class valentines ready to go. We're not total slackers around here.
And yet . . .
It still seems kind of strange that there is no love (or crushing of any kind) in the air around here. Well, sure, Terence and I are still gushy enough for a married couple (hey, I kissed him at the gym). But for a house that has two teens and one so close she's practically a teen, there was zero angst about the day. No excitement. No plans to attend a dance. No giddy hopefulness.
Look, I'm really not complaining about the lack of boy-crazy (or girl-crazy) in the house. B is disgusted or annoyed by the boys she knows, but that's not unusual in the 12 year old crowd. I'm certainly glad my autistic 14-year-old has not a smidgen of interest in girls yet, because I'm quite certain his lack of social skills would cause nothing but grief. As for M, I should be grateful that she is not following in my footsteps. (My sixteen year old Valentine's Day was spent with a boyfriend I was head-over-heels for-- who had just recently dropped out of high school. I'm sure my parents were desperately praying that it was not going to be a long term relationship.)
Still, it would be reassuring to know that M at least found boys attractive. Any real life boy. I'd even settle for a fan-girl crush on Justin Bieber. As it is, she has admitted only to attraction to fictional, not-even-human, video game characters. Like Link.
Um. I'm quite sure there are no Hylians in her future. As for the idea of an anthropomorphic hedgehog as a son-in-law, I'd take the high school dropout any day.
I'm not concerned, not really (especially since I've been informed by Buzzfeed or some such site that childhood now lasts until you're 30 *snort*) but K is downright worried. More than once he has come to me privately with questions like: "What happens if M doesn't get married?" or "Can M get married without dating?" Last Sunday, on the way to church, he broke out with an order: "M, you NEED a boyfriend!" Needless to say, she wasn't impressed by her little brother's demand. It did provide loads of entertainment for everyone else in the car though! I told K that his sister probably wouldn't be adverse to dating a guy if he was into Zelda and Sonic and sprite animating, but those guys seem to be in short supply. K has taken it on as a personal mission to track one down. So if you know of any, you can pass it on to my 9 year old matchmaker. I can't wait to see what he comes up with when he decides it is time for J to find a girlfriend....
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!