Black is White

Normally, when I have the stomach flu I wouldn't bother blogging, but this morning I just couldn't help myself. I only feel OK while sitting down, so my workout is cancelled, and I can't sleep so I've been entertaining myself on the computer. Just by chance I came across a news clip that would have made me physically ill, if I wasn't already sick to my stomach.

The title said "Brooke Shields Regrets Losing Virginity at 22." At first I was impressed. Maybe a celebrity was going to come out and say she regretted not waiting until she was married to have sex. But as I skimmed the short article, I quickly learned that it wasn't the case.

Brooke Shields regrets not having lost her virginity EARLIER. She thinks that if she had had sex in her younger years (as a young teenager, I assume) she would have had been "in better touch with herself" and had a better body image.

Seriously, Ms. Shields, you think you would have been more comfortable with your body if you were having sex at 15???? That you would have been skinnier in college? Possibly, because you might have had an eating disorder, being so worried about what all your sexual partners thought about that tiny roll of fat on your tummy.

And obviously, having sex at a young age is a proven technique for getting in touch with yourself. That's why Britney Spears is such a well-adjusted, successful adult, especially in her relationships. Didn't she lose her virginity at age 14?


The sad part is that I believe Brooke Shields has two daughters. What is she going to teach them? That their self-worth revolves around being sexually active? That sexuality is a great tool for personal growth?

On another subject, thanks for all your commiserating comments here and on facebook. K is starting to feel better, Terence is still miserably sick, I'm marginally better, J is still in the early stages, and so far the girls are escaping it. Hopefully, by the weekend all will be well again.


Abby said…
Well yeah, duh. How else are you supposed to know you're a worthwhile person unless random hormonally charged teenage boys have sex with you?
Ashlie Dalton said…
or men 20 years your senior... (comment above). for some reason we decided to watch "to catch a predator" this weekend, it made me sick.
the world really thinks it's the "normal" or even "right" thing to do these days, to have premarital sex. i know some personally that think this and it makes me very sad.
Kaycee said…
what a total idiot!!!! How stupid is she??

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