I Can't Blame Lack of Sleep for This

Motherhood is killing my brain cells. Either that or it's my advancing age. OK, OK, I'm not that old. (Though I turn 35 this year, which just seems impossible. That makes me the same age as my mother!) Still, something is making me go senile. That's the only explanation I can come up with for my increasingly thoughtless behavior or inability to remember important stuff.

Back in my office job days, I spent quite a bit of time as a Project Coordinator. I was responsible for keeping track of somewhere between 60-70 construction projects, making sure that deadlines were met and being the persistent prodding annoyance to our designers to get their jobs done. I was darn good at it, if I do say so myself. I designed an Access database to track everything, but mostly I didn't need to consult it much. I was able to keep track of where most of the projects stood in my head. (To the everlasting irritation of those designers who weren't doing their job because I did not forget about them and was constantly asking them for work they hadn't finished.) So I know at one point I had the ability to remember lots of things and keep it all straight.

But now, I can't even keep my kids' homework straight, let alone remembering massive detailed lists. Every day I forget something, and if I'm lucky, it's something minor. (Like forgetting my swimsuit when I go to the gym to get in my swim.) This week it has been one thing after another. Not one of the three kids in school has made it to school with everything they needed, every day. I've had to make multiple trips to Walmart, only to get home and realize that I forgot something I really needed again. (That's even with a list, mind you.) Sunday I opened the back door of the van to search for something and forgot to shut it. Then I proceeded to cavalierly shut the garage door and head back into the house without a thought. It was only when we were trying to leave for church that I realized that I had shut the garage door onto the van door and the two were now stuck together. Oops.

This all culminated in one of those really brain dead moments that is still plaguing me. On one of my trips to Walmart I loaded the bags into the back of the van, went to shut the van door, and forgot to move out of the way. Umm, yeah. I nearly knocked myself out with the door. I have a large bruised lump on my forehead. It's been two days now and I still have a headache. Way to go, Heidi!

If I can't have my brain cells back, shouldn't I at least have an instinctual sense of self-preservation? What is wrong with this picture????


Abby said…
I feel your pain. I frequently stop and think to myself "You know, I used to be smarter than this." Turns out there are actual scientific studies (don't ask me where, because I can't remember--of course) that prove that mothers lose gobs of brain cells starting with pregnancy and throughout motherhood. And I've seen it in my own life as well, so you're not alone. My husband thinks I'm retarded for all the times I've left my keys in the door, or in the car, or in the car WITH the kids, or what-have-you. I have tons of lists everywhere just to remind me to do the simplest of tasks. I always wondered why my mother had notes all over the fricking house like she was senile at 40, and now I know why. Sucks.
Stefanie said…
My brother-in-law told me that he read a study that having a baby had the same effect on a women's brain as an trip of LSD. So between the crazy hormones, the sleep deprivaion and the endless detractions its little wonder that we're all half nuts. But if it helps, you look put together:)
Anonymous said…
Ha ha ha. That was funny and sad at the same time. Reminds me so much of home....mine! You can imagine what it's like after 70+! What a riot. I could write a book about all my 'forgets' or stupid antics. It's a touchy subject!
Ashlie Dalton said…
i have been wondering what happened to my head lately too. maybe it runs in the family??

p.s. 3 days ago i did the EXACT same thing with our van trunk as you. only mine was on the top of my head. nice.
if nothing else, be reassured that you're not alone.
Kaycee said…
you are funny. It's sad. But luckily it's not just you. I am the QUEEN of forgetfulness.
Lissy said…
I loved your comment on my last post - especially the (Except for family) ha ha. I am definitely too sensitive at times, I have seriously considered switching doctors but for the convenience of the location, the fact that there are hardly ever sick kids in the waiting room to avoid, and that Lily has responded so well to their shots. The other asst is really nice so that helps. I have done that same kind of thing forgetting to get out of the way before closing a door. I just think our kids are lucky we haven't done it to them yet. Hope your garage and van doors aren't in too bad of shape!

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