A Lesson in Manners

I was planning on blogging about my current love affair with Horatio Hornblower today, but after this morning's grocery shopping adventure I'm afraid the British naval captain will have to wait his turn. I'm going to pretend my blog is a confessional this morning instead-- I have something to get off my chest. Ashlie blogged not too long ago about how sometimes she worries about dumb things she has said or done and just can't quit thinking about it. I'm the queen of that myself, but since I'd really rather not spend all day condemning my idiotic behavior, I'll just share it all with you and then let it go.

You see, I got in a tiff with a little old lady at Walmart this morning. As in we had a bit of a confrontation. I didn't mean it to happen-- it's not like I headed into the store thinking, "Let's see whose day I can ruin this morning!" And it was one of those silly things that make you want to kick yourself afterward.

We crossed paths in the meat department, which is toward the end of my shopping route. This morning I luckily only had K, but still, K is a circus performer who would love nothing better than to try and balance on the top of the load of groceries or barring that, he will settle for chucking things from the basket to the floor. Needless to say, I was trying to finish my shopping as quickly as humanly possible. The little old lady, however, was pondering the roasts with careful time and attention. Perhaps it was thoughtless of me, but I left my cart (with K) on the other side of the aisle and slipped up next to her, intending to grab a roast from the section right next to her. I also swiped one of the plastic bags from the dispenser not too far from her head. In my defense, I did say "excuse me" in a friendly way. (I'm not completely and utterly devoid of manners-- just mostly.) Well, when I pulled the bag down she whipped toward me and stared at me as if I were a green-skinned alien with tentacles instead of arms.

"You could at least say 'excuse me,'" she admonished.

Oh dear. I'm afraid I was a little taken aback, so right on cue, I opened my mouth and stuck my foot in.

"I'm sorry," I told her in a still-semi-friendly tone. "I did say 'excuse me,' didn't you hear me?" I must confess, part of my brain thought she must be teasing me. Instead, I only offended her worse.

"No, I'm deaf. I'm old," she growled back at me. That left me grasping desperately for something polite to say back. Not even an idiotic reply came to mind. Taking advantage of my silence, she launched into a lecture. "It's dangerous. You could hurt someone reaching over them like that."

Here I made an even stupider mistake. I couldn't help it. I giggled. The thought of one of those flimsy plastic bags being dangerous just struck me as hilarious. However, the little old lady was not amused along with me. She got even angrier, arguing that it is dangerous (here she reached up to tug on the bag dispenser). She insisted that she's old, she's seen a lot of dangerous things, and that thing could just come crashing down on her head.

By now this was a full-fledged confrontation, and finally I started to get irritated. Mostly I just wanted to get away from the situation. Not to mention that I had been seven feet away from my monkey toddler for several minutes, a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, that thought led me to say another dumb thing. I even interrupted her tirade about how careless I was of other people's safety. "Look, I need to get back to my son before he falls out of that cart. That's really dangerous," I insisted, waving my arm at K.

Oops. That was like waving a red flag in front of a bull. She didn't like me trying to justify my behavior I guess. Her tirade turned into hurled accusations that I was one of those rude people who reach up to get cans above people's heads and knock cans onto them. At this point, I threw everything to the wind, grabbed a random roast and shoved it into my plastic bag, and darted back to my cart. Then I tried to get away from her as quickly as possible, while pretending that I was just a carefree normal shopper breezily checking out the frozen chicken. She called after me, "YOU ARE SO RUDE! YOU THINK YOU'RE RIGHT, BUT YOU'RE WRONG!"

Well, she was right on two counts. I did think I was right (at least about plastic bags not being dangerous), and I was being abominably rude by walking right out of the conversation and pretending I couldn't hear her.

It ruined the rest of my shopping trip, I'm afraid. Fortunately, K was as close to angelic as he ever gets at the store (only standing up in the cart half a dozen times but not hurling anything to the floor) so I was able to get finished without bursting into tears. (I admit, I was pretty darn close to it.)

Now it just seems ridiculous and entertaining, like so much else in my life. But I am sorry. If I could go back, I would humbly apologize to the poor lady at the beginning and tell her that I didn't mean to offend her. Someday I may be the little old lady with thoughtless young moms ruining my shopping trips, selfishly unaware of how rudely they are behaving. (But hopefully, I'll be able to remember my own days as a harried mother and cut them a little slack.)


Mom said…
Okay, I am still laughing! Gotta love it! I am so-o-o-o glad Kyle was such a good boy (he was probably listening to every word)-
Amy said…
I think she is the rude one for not moving aside when you needed something, old people feel like they have some sort of right to be rude and I don't think you should have felt like you were the rude one. People get way more aggressive in grocery stores that reaching over someone to pull down a plasitc bag.
kristi said…
I am laughing too!!!
That reminds me of the old man fighting with the old lady about peeling the 10 for $1.00 ears of corn in the corn bin. He was so mad and insisted she read the sign that they had posted telling people not to do that. He then stopped to tell an employee. She moved over to the cukes and told me how rude he was and that she wouldn't buy bad corn - and I thought seriously at 10 cents how bad could it be if 1 was bad? But I guess if she was only buying 1 for her and 1 for her husband it would be a bummer - that's the place that Alex says the older people only buy enough for that night so they don't leave food in the fridge if they pass - ok that sounds so mean...I say they only buy enough for that night cause they are lonely and need to go out again the next day - see I'm much nicer that Alex :)
WHat's that expression "every one is doing the best they can in any given situation/moment." Maybe you both caught each other in stressful times...
Personally I don't know how you shop with kids! I use to bribe Justin with a happy meal (and Nic back in the day too) to sit quietly and eat while I shop. Now that I can't lift him into the cart to eat that no longer works... I now bribe him with a corn dog and pot wedges for when we leave but he chatters so much he makes me lose all concentration and I leave without half my list!
Kaycee said…
your stories are too funny! I agree with Amy, you weren't rude, and older people tend to have a short fuse and get angry easily.
But if I were you I would dread shopping and never want to go. I would only do my shopping when your hubby was home to watch the kids so you could go alone.
Lissy said…
I worry about things I've said or done too - sometimes for years! I think I would easily have done the exact same in this situation, except I might have burst into tears as I argued with that woman. She was lot ruder than you if you ask me! If people are hogging an area at the store too long they should realize it and scoot over. If they don't, I just reach around with an excuse me that probably isn't very loud just like you. She obviously had a bit of an attitude with her sarcastic comments and need to be right. How nice that Kyle picked up on the vibe that you needed him to be angelic. :)
Anonymous said…
Sounds to me like you ran into the WRONG little old lady. Wish it would have been me. I would have offered to help you instead. Seriously. Not ALL old people are like that, but I realize a lot are. It is laughable though. ha ha Just more good fodder for you to write about.
brooke said…
i have to say, you were a lot nicer than i would've been. maybe it's my rebellious streak (which is a little more dominant than i like to admit) or the fact that i'm jack's daughter, but i would've shoved it in her face somehow. not very nice...so i'm actually impressed how you handled it. she was the rude one for sure.

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