
Just for fun I added a writing progress meter for my latest novel in the works, but you have to scroll all the way to the bottom of my blog to see it. I guess it's more to help motivate me to keep working on it because even a little bit written at a steady pace will get me there in the end. Right? That's what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe I'll have it finished in time for Terence's birthday. (Or maybe his 2012 birthday . . . or his 2013 birthday . . . .)

As for the sequel to Legend, it is finished and just sitting on my computer at the moment. It needs to be formatted and proofread for the gazillionth time and lacks a cover design and all that fun stuff, but hopefully later this year it will be ready to be published also. Happy day for that! It is the one thing I've written (or probably will write anytime soon) that I think my father might enjoy, so I'd like to get it into book form just for him.

With Legend I had my first official sale from the website and that was a bit of a giddy rush. I also sold about a dozen from my original personal order; you guys are way too kind to me!! I hope you enjoy the story; I had way too much fun writing it not to share!

Well, my little writing break is over for the day. It is the countdown to Christmas and we have a very crazy week ahead of us. Tonight is my aunt's traditional white elephant gift exchange, so off we go for some extended family merry making. Happy Monday before Christmas!!


Abby said…
Does it make it less exciting that I was your internet sale? I'm excited to read it. :)

Congratulations heidiness! I'm so happy for you!!
Heidi said…
Not one less whit exciting that it was you, Abby!! Thank you!
Anonymous said…
What a thrill it was to get my copy in the mail. I felt like crying I was so happy....and just SO proud of you Miss Heidi!! My granddaughter that dropped by today said, "Oh, Gram, can I borrow it? I love those kind of books!!" I told her she would REALLY enjoy it. Thank you again and I hope you sell a million!

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