Blah blah

It's a beautiful Monday.

If I keep repeating it, I just might believe it! Actually, I'm not normally a Monday-hater. It's one of Terence's days off so usually it's a nicer day just for that. But today I'm feeling kind of blah.

There's a completely rational explanation for all this: hormones + illness = blahness. Starting Friday, we've been fighting a flu bug in this house. Half the family anyway. Terence and J came down with it. Of course, even with sick kids or parents life still has to go on. We had a busy weekend and I still kept up my training. But by Sunday I was done in. Once again, my body exercised its supreme sense of timing and sent my period just in time for all of this.


But life still has to go on. Sunday I took M, B and K to church by myself. It wasn't overly challenging but anybody who has tried to do church alone with children will understand when I say that it was like an athletic event combined with a supreme test of one's patience. In the evening Terence and J were both feeling well enough to make the regular trek to my parents' house for dinner so I thought we were over it all.

This morning was a typical Monday morning-- I volunteered in M's class, had parent-teacher conference with both kids' teachers and raced back home so I could get to the gym. At the gym K was seeming a little glassy-eyed, but I assumed it was because he had woken up at 5am and had not yet napped. But after my workout one of the childcare ladies pointed out that she didn't think K was feeling well, that he had just lain around instead of playing. I hastily assured her that he wasn't sick, just tired and then loaded up B and K to head home before the older kids made it home from school.

But wouldn't you know it? When I was getting K out of the car, he laid his head on my neck and I realized that he is running a fever. A low grade one, just like Terence and J had a few days ago. Here we go again. (I feel so guilty for exposing all the kids in the childcare to whatever he has. Sorry!!!!) I hope the girls don't come down with it too.

On the bright side, we're having pleasant weather again. As I type this the kids are outside enjoying the nice 66 degree afternoon. Thank goodness the arctic air has retreated back to those areas of the country where it belongs!


Anonymous said…
Oh, the joys and blahs of motherhood! Sure hope the bug doesn't hit everyone. Bummer. Reminded me of when I had four under 6 and had to do the church scene alone EVERY week. Can't remember that it was real stressful. My boys were really good and helped me tremendously. Kelly was only 1 then. I may have left her home with her dad. He never attended. Hmm.
Heidi said…
Oh how nice that going to church alone wasn't stressful!! It's never been that way for me. I used to have to do it a lot back when Terence worked Sundays and it was always a nightmare. It's gotten slightly easier since the kids are older but not as much as I would have hoped.
Lissy said…
Hope you are feeling better! Oh how good weather improves my mood - come at me sunshine!
Kaycee said…
sheesh! you are a trooper! I hope every one gets better and stays better for a while.

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