A Day in the Life -- J

It was J's day yesterday! I actually jotted down notes throughout the day (as well as asking him lots of questions) so that I could give you a pretty accurate run down of what his day was like from his perspective. What a day he had . . . .

February 4, 2011

J's day started bright and early at 6:00am. His annoying mother came in and sang songs and poked at him until he dragged himself out of bed. He did finally get dressed, eat a chocolate chocolate chip muffin, and crawl into the van for for the trip to school. Everyone was running a little late, but he did make it to school on time (just barely). At school it was too cold to wait outside so they went right into the building. It was a normal class morning at first, but then it was still too cold outside to play outside for recess. Instead they stayed inside and played Simon Says. J thought this was an okay substitution for recess.

After recess they made homemade ice cream during class. It was vanilla and he thought it was very yummy. At the end of the day they went to tech lab where they watched a couple of movies (so he says) and then had free time playing on the computers. All in all a not so bad day at school.

Justin's mom picked them up from school and he rode in his normal spot in the back on the way home. Once he got home his unreasonable parents would not let him eat lunch right away but made him start picking up the mess in the front room. After he had done some picking up he got to have his favorite kind of yogurt (orange creme) and another chocolate chocolate chip muffin for lunch. (He definitely approved. He was very glad he didn't have to eat mac n cheese or a quesadilla like normal.)

Next came more chores. He had to pick up the living room and that was hungry, hard work (all ten minutes of it). After that he wanted a snack-- chips and a brownie.

(This was a very healthy food day, right?)

Just around 4 pm, something awful happened. J got caught standing on the furniture for the fifth time that day and lost all of his tickets. His tickets, which he had worked hard to earn, are the only way he can do what he loves to do-- play video games. He was so upset he laid down on the living room floor and covered himself with a tablecloth, refusing to move. Eventually, he got up and went into his bedroom because his mother was starting to teach piano lessons.

In his room he fell asleep. When his mom came to wake him up for dinner, she found that he was running a fever. His head ached fiercely and he had no appetite at all. His mom gave him some ibuprofen and a bottle of gatorade to drink, and he spent the rest of the evening dozing in bed or on the couch. It was not one of his most favorite days ever.

Just for the record he is feeling slightly better this morning. He is still running a low grade fever and his appetite is not back, but he is watching movies in the living room right now and at least a little more himself than he was last night. Phew! Now if Terence was only feeling better too . . . .


Kaycee said…
I really enjoyed that post! It was fun to read. The way you write, I can just picture my self there watching what is going on. I laughed out loud reading about him getting upset and wrapping him self up in a table cloth. Kids for ya.
Ashlie Dalton said…
ha! this post made me laugh.
i remember feeling so picked on by my parents if i didn't get my way with everything.
but i'm sure that i would be more than happy to eat 2 chocolate chocolate chip muffins!! yum!
Abby said…
Poor kid--got sick and lost all his tickets in one day. Love his diet, though. Sounds like mine.

They only have 1/2 day 1st grade there? Or was it a 1/2 day for everyone?
Heidi said…
It's his regular schedule at the charter school they go to. 7:30-12:30 every day. Only way they'd get to ever see their father....

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