Banner Gateway & I Are Becoming Friends

I had my third visit to the hospital in three months.  Today was the big surgery day-- it went well, though my blood levels showed that I'm still very anemic.  Yikes!  No wonder I've been tired even when I manage to get some sleep.  (I had a hamburger for dinner tonight, no wimpy chicken noodle soup for me!)

So everything feels pretty much like they told me-- I've had some soreness in my shoulders from the gas they pump into your body, but not bad.  My incision sites are more sore than I thought they would be.  It's tough to hold S when she's squirmy because the jostling make the incisions scream at me.  I'm hoping that goes away soon.  I also threw up coming out of the anesthesia, despite the anti-nausea stuff they had given me.  Not fun.  The nurse then gave me the stronger stuff which made me sleep all afternoon but kept me from throwing up.  A decent trade-off, since Terence had control of the kids.  (We stayed at my mom's house until dinnertime, and trust me, it's a lot easier to relax and not worry about undone chores when you're at someone else's house.)

Now they told me recovery time will only be 24-48 hours, BUT they didn't tell me that I would have the same activity restrictions for 2 weeks that I had with the D&C.  Bummer!  I would love to soak in a hot bath right about now, and now I've got to wait until the very end of the month.  Also, I didn't know it would cause vaginal bleeding, so here I am AGAIN wearing pads and wondering how long it will take to stop bleeding.  Oh well.  At least it's not very heavy.

I'm much more at peace with the decision to tie my tubes.  I fasted about it, and that helped.  Terence and my dad gave me a priesthood blessing last night, and that comforted me quite a bit.  Terence has reminded me a lot that this has been a difficult time full of many changes, and that has a lot to do with why I've been struggling so much.  When I hear him it just calms me down.  My husband is the voice of reason in my life right now!


Anonymous said…
Wow, a lot going on for you. Thank goodness you have Terrence, and your parents in these times.
Kaycee said…
You've had so much to go through lately. I'm sorry. You are a strong woman!

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