January Blues

There's something about January that just impels me to get organized.  Does that happen with you too?  Does the New Year activate the "get your act together" gene or something?  I feel the urge to have my house as clutter-free and organized as possible.  It's way stronger than any nesting instinct I ever experienced with the pregnancies.  In fact, the only comparable time for me is within a couple months after I have a baby, when I also get the strong urge to get my body, house, and family in tip-top shape.

You know what that means?

I'm doubly determined to get organized right now, since I have the whole January mood/post-new baby drive going on at the same time.  It should mean that I am whipping everything into shape, superwoman style.  But though I am trying my best, there just aren't enough hours in the day.

Taking care of five kids is HARD.

In the words of Bart Simpson, "Duh!"  Of course, I knew that having five kids was going to be challenging.  But really, I expected it to be barely more difficult than four.  After all, having number four had gone much more smoothly than having number three had.  I thought I had gotten beyond the hump, so to speak.  No, it appears I'm just climbing another hill.  Things will settle down at some point (right????) but in the meantime making sure everyone is taken care of has been driving me into the dumps every evening, despite the daily dosage of Celexa.  After a full day of caring for a baby, chasing a three-year-old, housework, meals, homework, refereeing the older kids, piano lessons, and driving all over tarnation, bedtime nearly puts me over the edge every night.

Last night one of the members of the bishopric dropped by last night "just to meet with me."  For you LDS members out there, you know exactly what that means, right?  Probably a new calling.  Can I tell you what a relief it was to find out that I was just being released from one of my two jobs?  It was such a weight off my shoulders that when he asked if there was anything the bishopric could do to help me out, I honestly answered that they had just done what I needed the most, taken one responsibility off my plate.  (I feel kind of guilty as I write this-- I'm not complaining about serving in the church, not all all.  I enjoy both my callings quite a bit, but let's face it, right now I'm just a tad overwhelmed.)

The good thing is that my depression is not major.  I usually feel just fine in the morning, sometimes I even feel great!  It's just over the course of the day, as my unfinished tasks mount and my fatigue grows ever greater that my mood plummets.  This means I need a new action plan for bedtime.  I still have problems with the older kids not going to bed.  The girls are the worst, and every night the battle to get them to go to sleep leaves me feeling like I've been through the wringer.  It can't be very pleasant for them either.  What to do . . . what to do.  I keep kicking around different ideas, but I'm not sure what to try that I haven't already tried.  Some inspiration is desperately needed!  If you've had any success with changing the sleep habits of night owls, let me know . . . .


Kaycee said…
Oh boy! Your busy schedule makes my head spin! I don't know how you do it. Plus your usually a single parent. I wish I had advice for night owls. Abbey is one too and I'm lost.

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