Handling It All (Or Not)

Today's damage report:

  • 1 box of cornstarch dumped in the sink
  • 2 bottles of dishwashing liquid poured out
  • 2 bottles of food coloring sprinkled over dishes
  • Splatters of taco sauce decorating the kitchen
  • 1 Mother's Day card envelope torn to pieces
  • 2 bags of popcorn scattered around the living room
  • 1 van door left open during a dust storm
  • 2 piles of laundry detergent dumped on the laundry room floor
  • 1 little boy garnished with splotches of white paint
It's been a rough afternoon.

I really struggled with it when I walked into my kitchen and discovered the worst of the mess.  A few destructive things had already happened, but that's pretty normal in the course of the day and I was able to take it in stride.  But when I came out from putting S down for a nap, I wanted to scream or cry or do some serious spanking (or all three).  Most of the things on that list happened during a very short window while I was feeding S and taking a survey.  And many of them were done by B, who should know better.

Lately I've been trying to remind myself to think before I react angrily with the kids.  Today I kept telling myself that this is the real test, the real challenge of my life right now.  It's not some big, grand ordeal where I prove my endurance and loyalty to God by walking the plains pulling a handcart through a blizzard.  It's how I react with my kids when I am not at my best.  When I am hormonal, when I am depressed, when my head is pounding, when they have destroyed the house again, how do I treat them?

That is my trek across the plains.

And sometimes I think about just giving up and sitting down on the trail and refusing to budge another inch.


kristi said…
Oh no!!!
I am so sorry!
You have a great outlook though! I would of screamed and then locked myself in the bathroom crying with my stash of pb cups and peanut m&ms!
Stefanie said…
I can relate to your "trek." Chloe's been extra emotional and so have I. The terrible twos have hit Rigby. Reacting calmly and not getting uspet with them has been a huge trial and I wish I could say that each time I did the right thing. But a few times I lost my temper. Thanks for your blog post, sometimes its nice to be reminded that I'm not alone.
Kaycee said…
Wow!!!! I would have totally lost it! How to handle kids?? I ask myself the same question.

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