Music & Lyrics

We've been enjoying Christmas music on the radio lately (I'm a stickler about no Christmas music before Thanksgiving, but right now we are getting our fill), and this evening M and J were listening closely to the lyrics of many of the songs and trying to puzzle them out.

When the song "Baby, It's Cold Outside" came on, we had some fun.


If you're not familiar with it, the song is a duet-- the first half of the line is sung by the woman while the second half is sung by the man.  I hadn't even realized that J was listening at all, but at the end of the song, he asked me curiously, "Why was she under a curse?"

Now as you can imagine, this threw me for a second, until M clarified, "Well, she does say she's under a spell."

There's a verse in the lyrics that runs like this:

The neighbors might think-- Baby, it's bad out there
Say, what's in this drink?-- No cabs to be had out there
I wish I knew how-- Your eyes are like starlight now
To break this spell-- I'll take your hat, your hair looks swell

Spell equals curse, to J.  It made me chuckle a bit.  (Though if you've listened to all the lyrics of the song, it does seem kind of like a curse.  As one of the You Tube commenters put it, this song is kind of date-rapey.  I've always found it disturbing, ever since I puzzled the lyrics out.  I want to shout at the girl, "Just go home already!  He's spiking your drink!  He's not listening when you tell him no!")

On a non-Christmas music note, when the holiday station went to commercials I switched to one of my usual radio stations, which was playing the song "Royals" by Lorde.  Again, I don't know how familiar you are with it (I'd link it but I just watched the video for the first time before posting, and there's at least a couple images I don't want permanently attached to my blog.  My kids get on here.  It's not terrible, just . . . what is up with guy with the bloody face at the sink???)  Anyway, the chorus of the song is a lot of fun to sing along to, in my opinion.  And I guess I usually belt it out in the van, when only the kids can hear their mother's less-than-songbird singing voice.  But tonight before I even got started I realized that both K and S were singing at the top of their lungs (though they were only getting about one out of five words).

A two year old singing, ". . .Roooyals . . . queen bee . . . ohhh, oh, oh."  It was adorable!

Man, I wish I could get some of these things recorded.  Someday, they'll be like M, too paranoid to open her mouth because "it's embarrassing."


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