Looping Again

This has been an interesting week so far.  One with a lot of change, and since I'm not a change person, kind of an unsettled week.

I've really got to find a way to de-stress.  I've accepted that my life will never get less hectic (until I'm an empty nester or close to it).  I've accepted that I will never "catch up"-- at least what I consider caught up (a house in good repair and clean, homework and other projects done, on top of my responsibilities at church and for the kids' school, at least).  So it follows that there will always be a reason that I feel stressed.  Even if I have a handle on my homemaking life, there will be something driving me out of my comfort zone.  Leaving the comfort zone means stress.

I've blogged about my difficulty in conquering stress before.  However, I still haven't figured it out.  What do I need to help me bring about a change in pace, more relaxed breathing, a mind that's not racing, and a chest that's not tight with anxiety?

My mom says I need to let go of my quest for perfection.  Accept that things will go wrong, because something always will.  I agree that I need to do that.  Plus, I need to let go of the worry of what other people think.  But I wonder if I can really do that...nothing seems to change that.  It even seems to be generational.  I hear stories about my grandfather that sound like he struggled with this.  My father definitely has his own troubles with it.  And I definitely do.  Or maybe it's just part of being human. (Not even always a bad part.  Worry about social stigma has kept people's behavior in line for millenia.)

The biggest problem with my stress is that it translates directly into a short fuse with my kids.  Not such a good thing if I'm going to have any prayer of accomplishing my New Year's resolution of not yelling at the kids!

I'm thinking that I'm going to try praying specifically for peace when I'm feeling overwhelmed, making lists to keep my thoughts from spinning in circles with things I need to do, and taking a moment to breathe deep whenever my chest gets tight from anxiety.  At least those three things should help me cope better with the stress, I hope.

Tonight I went to an informational meeting for M's junior high, and I register K for Kindergarten quite soon.  S is in full toddler swing, with destruction, cute little phrases.  They are growing up so fast!!  I think that's part of what creates all the stress.  I just want time to slow down, and it doesn't listen to my orders!


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