Anyone Want to Volunteer?

I need a cold reader for my second novel. It's a sequel, but I want it to stand alone so I need someone who hasn't read the first one to read the second and tell me where they get confused. Also, you can let me know what you liked and what you didn't...

It's a sci-fi novel but not a hard core technical one. It's about a family in the middle of some major intrigue (I'm more interested in people than futuristic science.) If you're interested, email me at and I'll send you a chapter at a time. Thanks!


Ashlie Dalton said…
I would love to read it but I'm afraid I'm not very good at feed-back. I'm not talented in that area because I can't get my words the way I want them (as you can see). I also am super easy to please so I'd like just about anything and not notice flaws... so I don't think I'd be very useful. I'd like to read it when you're finished though!
Mellissa said…
I just wandered here via Ashlie's blog, and I don't know if you want a stranger reading your book before it's finished, but I would be happy to help you out. I used to do that sort of thing for my mom all of the time, and I absolutely adore reading. So. My email address is if you don't have any other volunteers and want to contact me.
Ashlie Dalton said…
While I was on my walk this morning, I started thinking how good Mellissa would be to read your stuff (no kidding!!!). So, it seems that it's meant to be :)
I was seriously going to just come comment on here again and ask if you'd like me to contact her. But looks like she beat me to it!

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