Happy Anniversary! (Let's Take a Nap.)

This is a big day for Terence and I. We've officially been married for nine years now. Can you believe it? (Well, you may be able to, but I'm still a little befuddled. How did so much time pass again?)

Terence took the day off, and my mom agreed to babysit so we were going to actually get out for one of our twice-a-year dates. However, though K is normally a beautiful sleeper, last night was not one of his nights. Maybe he was sore from his shots or something, but his schedule was all out of whack. Terence and I took turns, but still, I don't think either of us got more than a 3 hour stretch last night.

So today I really had my doubts that our date was going to happen. But since it has been nine years, we are old pros. Our date started at 1:30pm in the afternoon and went until 5:30. No late nights here! We were both sluggish but still managed to enjoy a meal and a game of miniature golf. Yet still it was painfully clear that we are one sleep deprived couple. Mini golf games are generally 18 holes, right? And I could have sworn we played all 18. Yet when we finished the 18th hole (you know, the one that sucks your ball into the black hole somewhere) I realized I was writing our scores on the spot for hole 16. Somehow we had missed two holes!!! We spent a moment wracking our brains to figure that one out. Did we forget to write our scores down? I was the scorekeeper, and I swear that I wrote them down at each hole. So did we somehow blunder past two holes in a fog without playing them? Hmmm.

Maybe the miniature golf course cheated us out of two holes, skipping from number 15 to number 18.

Anyway, in honor of our special day I am posting a picture from my sister's wedding (right after Terence officially proposed) and our engagement pic. Two young lovebirds with no idea yet how to treasure a good night's sleep. Enjoy!


Kaycee said…
I totally know what you mean about being sleep deprived and not staying out late. kinda sad huh?
I liked seeing pictures! cute!
Ashlie Dalton said…
Happy Anniversary! You guys are a cute couple!
Abby said…
Congratulations you old fuddy-duddies! I can't believe it's been nine years, either. I can't even believe it was March. Sheesh.

I still remember showing your engagement photo around at work. Every guy said, "DANG you have hot friends!!" Heck yeah I do! By the way, in that photo there you look like Tea Leoni.
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary you two! Absolutely love your pics. You look so like your mom in the early one, except for hair color. Glad you got even a "tired" afternoon out. Fun stuff!

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