I Resolve . . .
- To play every day with my kids
- To try harder to see the good in any situation
- To express my love and gratitude to Terence every day
There they are, my resolutions for 2010. I'm going for 3 for 3 this time! (Only I'm not really sure how to make #2 measurable-- oh, well, it's something I really want to work on anyway.)
I just finished reading Dr. Laura's book In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms-- it gave me some much needed reinforcement, and also some blunt reminders about the pitfalls we at-home mommies can fall into. It shaped my resolutions a bit this year, as well as reminding me of one important fact:
I have the best job on earth!!!
ANYWAY, hope you do better with it than I am so far.
Plus, you do have a very young baby which is going to sap your energy for much else. Nothing to feel guilty about, just a fact of life! It will get better....