
Alright, I got tagged by Kaycee and I'm going to be brave and take it. If she can show her house "as is," so can I! The rules of this tag, as I understand, are that I have to take pictures of all these things right as they were when you got tagged, no cleaning or rearranging. Now in my case I actually took the pictures last night, and trust me, yesterday was a long, long day. Keep that in mind when you look at my self-portrait, eh?

The Self-Portrait

Not my best looking moment, but this is supposed to be uncensored, right?

My Favorite Room

My favorite room is the cleanest room in the house. At this moment, that was my living room. Besides, O storm door, how I do love thee! Thou lettest in the light and air.

My Favorite Shoes

Well, I'm a girl who lives in flip flops. Yes, I was wearing them-- they are my favorite shoes, after all. They don't sit in my closet much.

My Kitchen Sink

Oh, did I forget to put the corn in the fridge after dinner? Oops!

The Fridge

I know you've all been dying to see what we eat. Obviously we drink a lot of caffeine in this house. (Even without seeing the 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper on the floor. There was no room for it in the fridge.)

My Laundry Room

I am blessed to have an actual laundry room. Though it is not large enough for someone who lives in there as much as I do.

My Glorious Bathroom

If every room in my home is messy, my bathroom will win out for the favorite every time. I love my bathtub. It is one of the reasons I wanted this house. Soaking in a tub is one of my favorite ways to relax.

Terence's Closet

I have only the top bar on the right for my clothes. Every other bar (including the one on the other side that you can't see) is filled with my husband's wardrobe. And the man has nine drawers filled to the brim also.

Well, there you go. Our home in all its daily glory. Did I get everything I was supposed to, Kaycee? In return, I tag anyone else who has the courage to put their uncensored house on display!


Kaycee said…
That is great Heidi! I am glad you did the tag and kept it real! your living room was clean. better then mine and your laundry was actually washed and nicely folded. I love flip flops too! I wear them spring, summer and fall. I should have took a picture of mine, they are my fav. I love your fridge. Abbey was looking at it and pointing to all your food and naming it and said wow, they have a lot of food! Those are fun posts
Ashlie Dalton said…
i'm glad kaycee tagged you. i wanted to but i wasn't sure if you wanted that type of thing on your blog- you know with tags and such. and i didn't want to make you feel like you had to do it. i'm sure you didn't feel bad. but just thought i'd let you know :)

fun pics! i love seeing peoples houses. now when you tell stories i can have a better idea and picture in my head! i like your self portrait! you have really pretty eyes.
Abby said…
Our husbands should be clothes horses together.

I'd do it, but I can't bring myself to post my fattest face ever.
Anonymous said…
I noticed in your self-portrait how much weight you've lost. You look terrific! And yes, your Leavitt-ness shows. Whatever that means, but I thought you had your dad's forehead. I agree, it's so fun to be able to picture someone in their habitat when you're reading them every day. Now it's easy. Love your blog...and your beautiful house...a little lived in, which is wonderful!

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