

It's both one of my talents and my great Waterloo. How can something be a strength and a weakness all at the same time? I guess it's all where you let it lead you.

First, the strength part-- I am a reader on a level that few people ever get to-- or want to even. I can read quickly and actually remember in great detail what I read. On Saturday I checked out the fourth Fablehaven book (fantastic series, by the way!), which is about 530 pages long. I finished it in probably about four hours of reading, in time for me to actually go to bed at a relatively normal hour Saturday night. I even managed to get my kids fed dinner and bathed and into bed during that time. I can read while washing dishes, folding laundry, and I have even read while doing workout videos (during the warm up before I had to get my arms moving). It's a great blessing when it comes to things like preparing a lesson on short notice because I can read all the material I might need very quickly and remember the important parts.

But it's a weakness, as well. I cannot put a book down. At least if it is at all in any way interesting. Even if I've read it before. Even if I've read it a half dozen times before. And heaven help the kids or Terence if they want my attention or try to talk to me when I am reading something new and engrossing. They are likely to get their heads bitten off. Though I have tried repeatedly to break the habit, I have tied reading to eating so strongly that I almost have to eat while I'm reading and vice versa. The worst part is the effect reading something can have on my mood. I was reading all the blogs I follow last night and something I read sent me into a tailspin about my parenting foibles. Terence listened to me bemoan my miserable pathetic excuse for mothering for awhile before observing that I'm like a manic depressive, and my triggers seem to be what I read. Either I'm flying sky high or I'm groveling in the dumps.

A manic depressive!!! I thought that was a little extreme, but he does have a point. Whether I'm reading a blog, a news post, my scriptures, someone's family newsletter, a novel, or just the latest weather alert, either I can end up energetic and enthusiastic or I can end up ruminating all day long on the miseries of existence.

Last night I made the worst of all choices-- picking up a new (to me) Orson Scott Card novel when I went to take a bath. Like all of Orson Scott Card's work it was thought-provoking and interesting-- but also like some of his work it was disturbing and depressing and probably something I should have skipped. But like that addict I am, I could not put it down and I did not finish until 2:30am.

I was supposed to get up at 4:30am. For that lifesaving jog, you know. So much for that. At least I made it out of bed in time to have a short session with my scriptures before I got the kids up for school. Now I just need to survive my day somehow. Maybe I can fit in the jog later.

But in the long run, what to do about the reading . . . can I make into a full-fledged strength? How can I still foster my love for reading without letting it dictate my mood? Or take over my life?


brooke said…
i heartily admit to laughing out loud a few times while reading this post, mainly because i can completely relate. it's a little bit intense to not put a book down til it's over, especially if started just hours earlier. i think you need to give yourself a limit of how many pages you'll matter what....and stick to it. goals are everything. i am giving myself this advice too, here we go!
Anonymous said…
Oh my, what a dilemma. But I know you'll make the right choice.
Heidi said…
You have such faith in me, Pete! Thanks!! Right now, recovering from the horrific evening we had last night after my stay-up-all-night-to-read binge, I feel kind of like an alcoholic with a terrible hangover swearing "Never again!" But we'll see. I've said that before.
mom said…
You may think that it is hard to imagine that I know what you are talking about because you probably haven't observed the behavior in me for some time but---I managed the behavior (and still sue this tool in other areas) by rewarding myself with a few pages or a chapter AFTER I did the dishes or spent time with the kids or whatever it was. It takes ALOT of self control to put the book down, but in my case I got alot done by rewarding myself with reading after I finished a required task. I am trying to practice this again with episodes of shows that I want to catch up on. (Only while I am exercising or done with what I have to do that day) strict can you be with yourself? As strict as you are with your children about running out in the street or disappearing from view while shopping? (Of course, it doesn't help when your mom turns to you if she needs anything read and remembered :))
Abby said…
I'll have you know I was up until 2am last night reading YOUR BOOK. I blame you. :) And I finished!!

I agree with your mom. You don't get to read until you've done something to earn it.
Heidi said…
Abby-- glad I wasn't the only one staying up to read this week. Blame me all you want. If the story was good enough to make you want to stay up to read it, then I did a good job!!!
Lissy said…
I totally relate. I get caught up in the world of a new book just like that! Books I read over and over are easier to put down. I haven't read as much since having Lily because I just can't get all consumed like that and it's hard to find time. Mike probably feels like I've checked out when I get a new book because even when I'm not reading it I'm thinking about it or in the mood of it. My imagination can run away from me which is why I've always had to be careful about what I let enter my mind. I love Orson Scott Card too, but there are books of his I've never dared read, and others that though I loved overall I ended up getting rid of because of certain content. I love books that get me in a mood to do things, or make everyday things more exciting - those are the books I read over and over. Still looking forward to reading your book!
Kaycee said…
That is a hard one. I don't read much. I like to read books, but got out of the habit.
But I would stick to books that won't get your mood down. That is how I am with movies, I won't watch anything sad or depressing and I don't watch scary any more, it just ruins my mood.
Abby said…
It was indeed worth it! I will mail it to you one day so you can autograph it for me. :) I honestly did not expect such a complicated (in a good way) story. Lots of plot twists and turns with good, unforgettable characters described very well. I'm very, very impressed.

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