Tackling the Tough Stuff

I can't decide if I'm ambitious or slightly insane.

My present to myself this spring was new flooring for the living room and hall.  Our carpet is gross beyond help-- even a good professional cleaning couldn't save it.  So it was time to get it replaced, hopefully with something that can handle a bit more abuse than light tan carpet!  The scary part is since I have to do this on a tight budget, I have to install this flooring myself.  Now I've tackled painting and unclogging sinks and patching drywall.  But there is something incredibly intimidating about putting in flooring.  Hopefully I don't mess it up!  (That would be over $900 down the drain, eek!!)

Here is what I picked out:

It kind of looks like wood but it is actually vinyl.  I read review after review before I finally decided on this stuff.  It is supposed to be somewhat easy to install, compared to other kinds of flooring anyway.  They didn't have the color I wanted in stock so I had to special order it.  It took almost a month to get in (apparently they were completely out and had to manufacture some more).  But it finally arrived and tonight Terence and I picked it up.  We now have 18 boxes of the stuff stacked around our living room and hall.

I'll keep you updated on how this project goes-- first step?  Remove the carpet.  With five kids underfoot I have a feeling this will get interesting quickly!


Anonymous said…
Oh my goodness, gal. You are a major handy-lady if you can do that. But I'll just bet you can...and do a good job. Ash helped me lay my linoleum squares in my kitchen, hall, bathroom several years ago. It looks quite nice for us newly-appointed do-it-yourselfers!! Good luck, and keep us posted on the work.
Kaycee said…
You will be so glad you did! We did the same thing. We did it ourselves. It was long and hard, but worth it.
good luck!

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