Positive Strokes

Yesterday I had some news that pretty much made my night.  It was some feedback on my books that I wasn't expecting.  See, the book I'm writing right now has been making me doubt that I can write anything entertaining.  It's been really challenging-- I know the story concept is good but I feel like I'm just not doing it justice.  Plus I've been reading some great stuff lately by other writers and wondering if I will ever write so well.

Call it a crisis of confidence.  

I feel like a fraud even telling people I'm a writer.  (Which is ridiculous, considering that I have two novels up on Amazon.  I don't feel bad telling people I'm a pianist just because I don't play professionally in concert halls to large audiences.)

But at J's pack meeting this week one of the other moms let me know that she has taken a copy of both my books to work at the hospital and she keeps them in her locker.  She's been loaning them out to co-workers when they have to sit with a patient.  And apparently some of these co-workers are hooked on the stories!  So much so that they can't wait for their next time to be a "sitter" so they can borrow the books again.

What a much needed boost to the ego!  I can write something entertaining.  I have two books to prove it (it says something when complete strangers enjoy them).  So I shouldn't give up on the one I'm working on.  It will come together.

I can do this!


Amy said…
I think you are doing a great job. I can't imagine the struggles when you have five kids. I constantly feel like I have fallen behind on parenting my one child (She is four and can't read anything at all yet). I think one of the hardest things about being a mom is the constant judgement we have on ourselves.

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