More Than You Ever Wanted to Know

I've made it! It's the notorious 100th post. So in honor of that, I am posting 100 Random Facts About Our Family. You are forewarned; it's a long list. (I had no idea how hard it was to come up with that many things to share, even using everybody in the family!)

Here goes:


1. Sleeps in his car seat
2. Regained his birth weight in 2 days
3. Looks the most similar to B as a newborn
4. Happy to suck on fingers, thumb or pacifier, as long as there is something to suck on
5. Was going to be named Emma if he was a girl
6. Has survived his first cold
7. Is by far my easiest baby
8. Already sleeps through the night on occasion


9. Favorite food is chicken.
10. Has a stuffed pony she named Serafina.
11. Wastes about a bottle of shampoo a week playing in the sink.
12. Favorite movie is Barbie’s Princess and the Pauper.
13. Knows most of her colors but gets stumped by green.
14. Screams at the sight of a cricket (happens a lot around here.)
15. Middle name is Elizabeth, taken from Pride and Prejudice (we used Jane Austen names for the girls.)
16. Had to have an echocardiogram at 9 months old.
17. Was born in a different state from the one we lived in at the time.
18. Changes her clothes at least five times a day.


19. Only likes to wear basketball-style shorts or pants.
20. Can beat me 9 out of 10 times playing Mario Kart on the GameCube.
21. Favorite color is orange.
22. Can’t wait for preschool graduation.
23. Favorite primary song is “Do As I’m Doing”
24. Still sleeps with his baby blanket (it is now very tattered)
25. Is almost as tall as M
26. Doesn’t mind getting his hair washed (unlike the girls, who scream)
27. Enjoys quoting scenes from Kung Fu Panda
26. Was my smallest baby at birth (7 lbs. 3 oz.)


27. Lost all four top front teeth at the same time (and found it hard to eat.)
28. Likes to play the Myst games on the XBOX while telling her own story about what is happening.
29. Can read simple chapter books.
30. Wants to be a farmer when she grows up.
31. Is scared to ride in a stick shift car.
32. Is the only one of our kids born in CA.
33. Got her name from Terence’s grandmother and M Dashwood in Sense and Sensibility
34. Did not voluntarily speak to her kindergarten teacher for the first six months
35. Used to put on The Firm exercise video to work out as a three year old (and wanted her own weights)
36. Her hair has changed from straight to tight curls to loose curls over the years.


37. Joined the LDS Church when he was 13.
38. Spent his childhood in Mississippi.
39. As a child wanted to be a preacher when he grew up (so he could “eat lots of chicken.”)
40. Has a brother 19 years younger than himself.
41. Served a mission in Chicago.
42. Played football and wrestled in high school.
43. Skipped 8th grade.
44. Went to martial arts lessons before going to early morning seminary (he got up EARLY!)
45. Worked for awhile traveling around to grocery stores and repairing shopping carts.
46. Didn’t get his driver’s license until he was 22.
47. Earned an associate’s degree in electronics engineering.
48. Won an award at the end of the police academy for “learning the most by osmosis,” since he fell asleep in class the most often (and still passed all his exams.)
49. Has been a ward or stake missionary almost everywhere we’ve lived.
50. Can bark like a real dog. Seriously, it’s frightening.
51. Enjoys watching the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice (so do I, but he’s a guy and likes it!)
52. Absolutely hates to be called “Terry”
53. Favorite comic book hero is the Incredible Hulk.
54. Was originally named “Talmadge Dion” (It’s crossed out and corrected on his birth certificate)
55. Is allergic to cats
56. Ran full-force into a sliding glass door as a kid and shattered it (he still has the scars)
57. Has bench-pressed 350 lbs.
58. Has gone to the ER more than the rest of our family put together.
59. Listens regularly to sports talk radio and Rush Limbaugh.
60. Had an accident involving a floor heater that nearly cost him the ability to have kids.
61. Is the only member of his family who is registered as a Republican.


62. Moved to CA when I was 6.
63. Started reading voraciously about 2nd grade.
64. Absolutely loved school until 4th grade.
65. Built a Plinko board with a friend in 3rd grade (so we could play Price Is Right.)
66. I sucked my thumb until I was 9 years old (every parent’s nightmare!)
67. The last time I cut my hair short was in 8th grade (I looked like Tina Turner)
68. Played on the JV softball team in high school.
69. Never went to a Homecoming dance.
70. My picture isn’t in my senior yearbook (I never got around to getting it taken.)
71. Got my driver’s license on my 16th birthday.
72. Got an academic scholarship to BYU.
73. Lived with a life-sized cardboard figure of Boba Fett for two years (thanks to Abby—for the first several months I got the shock of my life walking into my living room to be confronted by a 6 foot tall figure holding a gun.)
74. Wanted to serve a Spanish-speaking mission on an island. (I got what I asked for—just not quite what I expected! I went to New York.)
75. Had six marriage proposals before Terence. (Some of them were a bit ridiculous.)
76. Took a semester of Russian in college.
77. I know how to perform a hydrant flow test (to check a water pipe’s pressure levels.)
78. I once went on a 22-mile bike ride with my sister in Alaska (Even saw a moose. It was odd…and cold!)
79. Went on my honeymoon to St. George, Utah.
80. Found out Santa Claus was not real by reading Superfudge by Judy Blume
81. I love to play racquetball (just don’t get the chance very often.)
82. Invented plays as a kid that I got my sisters (and other neighborhood kids) to perform in.
83. I once gained 20 lbs in a month because the grocery store had a sale on Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. (I ate about 4 pints a week until the sale ended.)
84. I lost that 20 lbs four months later because I went jogging every morning for a month for the first and last time in my life. (Only because a missionary can’t go by herself, and Taryn begged me to go with her.)
85. I’m allergic to some kind of metal (possibly nickel?), which means if jewelry isn’t the pure, real stuff, I can’t wear it. (Good thing Terence got me a real wedding ring.)
86. My favorite color is purple.
87. As a child I wanted to be the first female major league baseball player.
88. My favorite ride at Disneyland is Splash Mountain, followed closely by Pirates of the Carribbean.
89. I went on exactly one date at BYU during the regular school semesters—a girl’s choice dance 90. I’ve gotten only one ticket (for speeding) back when I was 17 (knock on wood!!!)
91. My best friend in 3rd grade was named Josh. We planned to meet up at BYU as adults and get married. (Obviously that didn’t happen!)
92. I still bite my nails, even though I’ve tried to break the habit for years.
93. My favorite author is Jane Austen.
94. Cannot stand to eat eggs. At all.
95. Took the SAT in 7th grade (my score was better than my junior year boyfriend got at 17—so there, Steve!)
96. I prefer to go barefoot if at all possible.
97. My favorite cologne is Eternity for Men.
98. My highest bowling score ever is 205.
99. I got married on my grandmother’s birthday, and my mother got married on her grandmother’s birthday.
100. I am the only one in my immediate family who has a blog.

Whew! You survived it!!!


Ashlie Dalton said…
Holy Cow, look at you! Awesome! When you said Kyle would have been an Emma if he were a girl, I wondered if you were doing Jane Austen names. I've always loved the name Emma.
Ashlie Dalton said…

P.s. you should be in our online book club! Let me know if you're interested.
Kaycee said…
That was really fun to read!
Abby said…
I'm so glad he is burned so thoroughly into your memory.

What about the dance that we all went to together? You asked that guy from your class and the three of us couples went together. Doesn't that count as a date?

Do you still eat frozen peas? And do you still hate the sound of teeth being brushed?
Brooke said…
Fun read! I'll be sure to have my sons watch out for space heaters! Ouch!
Heidi said…
Abby, that dance we went to was the one date I was referring to! (Yes, I do still eat frozen peas-- serve them to my kids that way even, and no, I've gotten over the toothbrushing thing.)
Anonymous said…
Wow, how fun to get to know you and your little family. You really covered a lot of stuff. That was great and sooooo interesting. Thanks.
Abby said…
You said that dance was 1990. That was definitely not our dance. You can see how I would be confused.
Heidi said…
Hmm, now that I look at it, it could seem like that. Actually, it's just number 90 without the line break before it. Grammar errors! And people wonder why we need grammar when we write....

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