Tough Love

My son is an addict.

Yes, it's true. So after careful deliberation, my husband and I decided that it was time for an intervention. Sometimes as a parent you have to hurt the child you love so dearly in order to help them.

So yesterday Terence hid the GameCube and unhooked the XBOX, and we informed J that it was time to take a rest from the video games. Oh, the tears! The agony! The never-ending complaints! The wails of "Is the game rest over yet, Mommy?" But we knew it was time. When your son throws a fit when you tell him it's time to go to the park or to Grandma's house because he wants to keep playing his game, you know action is desperately called for.

Now we're day 2 into cold turkey from video games, and I'm the one wondering if the rest is over yet. It's driving me absolutely nuts! I didn't realize how much I was using video games to entertain my kids so I could get something done/feed K/take a shower/exercise/take a nap, etc. I think in the past, moms could just send their kids out to play and tell them to be home when it's dark. However, our backyard is the size of a postage stamp, and as for sending them out into the front-- well, we've already had a case of a neighbor molesting two girls on our street, so naturally, my kids only go out there when I can go too. Which means that I can't fold laundry/pay bills/make dinner, etc.

Finally, this evening I found a solution to my dilemma! It's called a DVD player. (On second thought, maybe I should break the GameCube back out. At least there was hand-eye coordination involved.)


Kaycee said…
hahaha! Your funny!
these days you can't let your kids go run out and play. It's not safe. Sad.
Anonymous said…
Sometimes I think I need an intervention to get me off my computer. But right now, doing taxes, is not a good time. ha ha That's my excuse. Between reading blogs and playing scrabble I'm hooked. Games can really be a problem with kids these days. I think almost every family has that problem.
by: Kim said…
Once in a while we have to do that but the kids seem to get hooked on something else. Like Facebook right now my son is hooked on it. He stays up late and chats with his friends. If it is not video games it is something else.
If you ever find a solution please let me know.
Good luck!!
Ashlie Dalton said…
i hope this intervention ends well. i'm tired of seeing them fail. :) haha
VKMyers said…
So sad that it's even a problem. I miss the days of being able to send a kid outside to play and not have to worry about whether someone is going to do something to hurt them. I miss the days of cowboys and indians, tag, riding bikes, playing at the park... I know how you are feeling though. When I take a privilege away from Andrew, I think that it punishes me as much if not more than it does him!
Brooke said…
We made a new rule this month that they can only play on non-school days, and not on Sundays. So, that leaves Friday and Saturday, and most Fridays we're gone on field trips so they only end up playing for 45 minutes (that's our time limit) on Saturdays...if we're home.

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