The Longest 25 Yards

For a girl who grew up in Southern California, I am not much of a swimmer. Yes, I had a couple of lessons, we went to the nearby public pool every single day during the summer, and the beach and I were good friends, but still, I have kind of a pathetic self-taught version of getting around in the water. It keeps me from drowning, but that's about it.

So I thought I'd share how my swim practice sessions are going for the triathlon. Let's just put it this way: I look like a woman who fell overboard off a ship and has swam for miles and miles and is gasping for breath in panic and fear. Then I finish one lap and thank my lucky stars I made it across the pool.

My first session was a fiasco. After spending ten minutes just trying to shove my masses of hair into a swim cap and another five trying to figure out my goggles, I finally made it into the pool. Then I promptly had a panic attack every time I put my face in the water. It was similar to when I've had to wear an oxygen mask. Hmm, claustrophobia in the water. Who'd have guessed? Then I had the undignified problem of my swimsuit falling off. The straps wouldn't stay on my shoulders and my shorts kept sliding down around my thighs. Oh yeah. I bet waaaay more people would watch the Olympics if this was how the swimming events really went.

This swimming stuff is beginning to make the running seem like a piece of cake.

I refuse to give up though! I'll keep at it until I can swim the distance, or drown trying. I'm sure by November I'll be able to at least finish the race. I don't have to win-- I just have to beat Jason.


Ashlie Dalton said…
Swimming would be the hardest for me too. I think it's great that you are doing it!! You'll get it and do awesome for sure!
Amy said…
You're way ahead of far no sign of any training even though he still insists to me that he is doing it
VKMyers said…
Just don't drown! I don't know what I'd do without doses of your wit and humor and your encouragement!

You could always get a suit like they make for kids that has the built in life jacket! At least you'd stay afloat. ;o)

Keep it up girl!

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