Bring on the Dance!

The week of Terence's big planned cooking experiment for me also happened to be the week of the 4th of July. For whatever reason, our singles leaders had decided to make this a week of activities every single day. I didn't go to all of them, but I know I went to a least a couple. Terence, of course, was there for everything. What would have been an activity without him? (Come to think of it, he may even have been on the activities committee.)

Anyway, my week was jam-packed with social stuff . Remember how I said I was kind of popular with the guys at this time? I had a couple of dates this week with other guys, plus Terence had conned me into going to the dance with him on Friday and the dinner was the following Monday. (It almost makes me tired to remember how much I had planned. I had yet to learn to say no to people.)

The big night arrived.

It was essentially our first date, even though Terence doesn't consider it that. But he picked me up in his truck and we drove the hour to the dance, just the two of us. Terence was a clubbing kind of guy, and though any one who knows me well may not believe it, I actually danced with him. To "fast" songs. Yeah, miracles never cease. Luckily for me, he took that to mean that I actually liked to dance, and luckily for him, he had remembered to bring a towel. Man alive, does that boy sweat!!!

We had our very first slow dance together, which I enjoyed even though he was a sweaty guy who everyone wanted to waltz over and talk to while we were dancing. It wasn't exactly a romantic first slow dance, but it was incredibly relaxed and for once I didn't feel like I had to do anything to impress the guy I was with. Unfortunately, in accordance with that strange male behavior that I couldn't quite understand, I kept getting asked by other guys to dance. Finally, Terence was determined to get me to himself, so he suggested a walk outside. I thought the air would do the poor guy some good-- maybe he'd be able to cool down a bit. We sat down out front on the steps, and I started rubbing my sore calf. (My body really isn't used to dancing.) Terence then offered to massage my leg. So we sat there for half the dance, him rubbing my lower leg while we chatted about anything and everything. Since things were clearly moving in his favor, Terence finally came out and asked me to go to the movies with him on Tuesday. Unfortunately, I already had a date planned that night, so we agreed to go later in the week.

After the dance, we headed to Denny's with a crowd of other kids. It was long past midnight, so officially it was then Terence's 25th birthday. I remember he had a dessert with a candle in it, but that's about all I remember. Even before I had children, staying up late was impossible. Fortunately, Terence was wide awake so he managed to get me home safely.

(It's so weird to remember our lives before there were four other little lives entwined with them. How strange to think of staying out late and sleeping in the next day!)

Well, I am truly turning this into a novel-length adventure. I should have a narrator at this point saying things like, "Will Heidi quit going out on dates with these other guys? Will Terence actually get up the courage to tell Heidi he likes her? Will they ever kiss? Stay tuned to find out what happens in the next episode of How I Met My Husband!"

I could shorten this up, but I'm having too much fun reliving the past. Feel free to skip reading all this if it is boring the living daylights out of you . . . .


Kaycee said…
Sounded like you were popular! Terance wanted you badly!
I love reading your story, it's not boring at all. You know how to write, so it's very interesting. Like I said in the last post, it's like a love story I am reading out of a book!
Can't wait to read the rest!
Anonymous said…
You silly girl. Don't ever worry about boring anyone. You've got us all--hook, line and sinker!! ha ha
Hurry up with the next installment!
luv'n it.

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