My Own Personal Score

Is what is playing on your mp3 a metaphor for your life?

That seems kind of silly, but I've wondered. Music has been a big part of my life for many years. I'm sure that's true for a lot of people in different ways. In my case, I've been using music as a kind of soundtrack for my life, I guess. I got my first Walkman ages ago and right off the bat starting making tapes of music that came to be closely intertwined with my life at the time. I walked the dog to that music, did homework to it, went to sleep to it, learned to drive to it, all kinds of things. In fact, there are Cd's I had to get rid of because the music was so powerfully linked to painful periods in my past that I couldn't bear to listen to it anymore. It transported me right back to the moment; it was as if I was reliving those particular episodes all over again.

There's no doubt about it-- music is powerful.

Though the days of Walkmans are long past, I am currently the proud owner of a shiny 4GB iPod Nano. (It was a gift a couple of years back from my way-too-generous father.) I've put so much stuff on the poor Nano that it is crammed full. And I listen to it every day, for one reason or another. So what does my music say about my life now? I thought a random sample might be kind of a fun way to see. I shuffled the 744 tracks in my music library on my iPod and here are the first ten that came up:
  1. "White Shadows" by Coldplay
  2. Section 12 of the Doctrine & Covenants
  3. "Shooting Star" from the Stardust movie score
  4. "Arrival to Earth" from the Transformers movie score
  5. "The Holy Ghost" from the Children's Songbook
  6. "Deep Love" by Mandalay
  7. Part 1-A of the Ideal Weight Paraliminal, by Paul R. Scheele
  8. "Professor Umbridge" from the Order of the Phoenix movie score
  9. "In Noctem" from the Half-Blood Prince movie score
  10. Alma chapter 3 from the Book of Mormon
It's kind of funny how much this actually reflects my life. Only two somewhat contemporary songs popped up: the one from Coldplay and the one from Mandalay. Yes, I do listen to the radio and so I'm not totally out of the loop when it comes to pop culture. Mostly out of the loop, but not 100% oblivious. But two chapters of the scriptures pop up, and I do try to put that first in my life. (It's part of the reason I have to get up so early.) There's a Primary song, and playing the piano in Primary is my life at church right now. The Ideal Weight Paraliminal is one of those funky things I got from my mother. You listen to it when you're going to sleep and it is supposed to help motivate you to lose weight. I don't know how much it contributed, but hey, I've lost a lot of weight, so that is a big part of my life too right now. Finally, a whopping 4 out the 10 songs are all from movies scores, which is the music I write my stories to. I wonder if I spend 40% of my waking hours working on my stories? No wonder my poor children feel like they can't get my attention at times!

What does your music say about your life?


by: Kim said…
Right now I mostly listen to patriotic music. I love all kinds of music. If you follow my blog at all you can see that I like a variety of music types. I love the hymns luckily we have a radio station that plays LDS music all day on Sunday (we only get a few stations so I am glad one of them plays good music). I grew up listening to country music and since I have teenagers I listen to alot of modern pop music. And for the most part I like all of it. I don't have an Ipod but maybe I should get one so that I can put my music and scriptures both on it. Sounds great to me.
Lissy said…
You sound just like Amy! She practically had a soundtrack for her life and would have to change it up because of life associations. Now the music we listened to in her car as teenagers always makes me think of her. I don't think to turn on music most of the time, but sometimes wish I did. It definitely has a power.
Brooke said…
Interesting way to gauge your life. I'll have to see what my ipod says about me.
Anonymous said…
Man, I love your posts. They make me think so much. Music has been MY life so I could write a book about it. Right now it's a mix of classical, old country (when I was a teen and early married), folk songs, country (very little though). Hey, I didn't get home till tonight from Fam reunion and very tired. Tried to read and fell asleep so will tomorrow. Sorry so slow! Hugs!
Ashlie Dalton said…
music has always been huge in my life too. all my friends knew all the movie stars and celebrities and i was always out of the loop in that area (still am) but i knew all kinds of music and music artists. funny what we gravitate to, isn't it?!
Abby said…
Every time I listen to the soundtrack of Sabrina I think of you. :)

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