Who Needs Hospitals?

Last night I had another one of those funny moments when you realize how much gets lost in translation when you explain things to a four year old. Remember how Terence and I took the kids to the Gila Valley Temple open house a few weeks ago? Now we talked with the kids quite a bit about temples and what they are for, plus our tour guide also gave us some basic descriptions of the rooms and what happens in them, especially explaining families being sealed together forever and baptisms being performed for those who had died without the opportunity on earth. Obviously B was listening, but she heard something quite different than what we intended.

Yesterday, after finding K making a huge mess in the bathroom again, I lectured the older kids for the millionth time on closing their bathroom door every time they leave it. In a desperate attempt to impress on them how important this is, I tried the guilt-inducing tactic of telling them their little brother could drown in the toilet, and do they really want K to die? J and M agreed that it would be very sad to not have a baby in the family any more.

But B was quite sanguine about it.

"Mommy, if K dies we'll have to drive to the temple," she explained confidently. "We'll wait in the car while you and Daddy go inside. Then Jesus will fix K and you can bring him home."

Well, I guess that would be one way of the family being able to stay together forever!


kristi said…
Don't you just love the innocence? Too bad we have to grow up and can't remain that way...
Jean said…
I love this! I am still giggling! So-o-o Brie--Give that girl a hug from her grandma! It is all going to be ok mom--no problem (if Kyle drowns in the toilet!!) no shades of gray with little ones, as we know....
(one guilt trip not accepted)
Kaycee said…
haha! That is so cute and funny! I wish it was that easy.
Brooke said…
That's funny! I love what comes out of kids' mouths.

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