M's Take on Her Mom

I stole this from Abby's blog, and it was so entertaining! The idea is to get some clue about what your kids think about you by asking the following list of questions:

Me: What is something mom always says to you?
M: Put your clothes on. (She's right, I must have kids who were meant to be raised in a nudist colony.)

Me: What makes mom happy?
M: If you do what she says.

Me: What makes mom sad?
M: If you don’t do what she says.

Me: How does mom make you laugh?
M: Says funny things.

Me: What was mom like as a child?
M: Doing good things. (Wow, nothing like a pedestal!)

Me: How old is mom?
M: 32 (Smart girl.)

Me: How tall is mom?
M: I do not know. (Her tone implied "Why on earth does that matter?")

Me: What is mom's favorite thing to do?
M: Protect us.

Me: What does mom do when you're not around?
M: Looks for me. (Must come with my favorite thing to do, protect my kids.)

Me: What is mom really good at?
M: Coloring

Me: What is mom not good at?
M: Sports (I guess she was too young to remember when I used to drag her to my softball games. Terence also thought this was funny and mentioned that clearly M had never seen me play handball.)

Me: What is mom's job?
M: To protect me, J & B (Good thing my job is my favorite thing to do!)

Me: What is mom's favorite food?
M: Pizza

Me: What makes you proud of mom?
M: When she’s cleaning up her room. (Oh. Maybe I should do that more often.)

Me: What do you and mom do together?
M: Play “goldfish” (I think that must be a hint. She got a Go Fish game for her birthday and I haven't played it with her yet.)

Me: How are you and mom the same?
M: We both have curly hair.

Me: How are you and mom different?
M: We have different color skin.

Me: How do you know mom loves you?
M: When she hugs me or when she carries me. (Yikes! It's a good thing I hug her a lot, because I haven't carried her in a long, long time!)

I asked the same questions of J, but his answers all included "underwear" or "basketball." Must be a boy thing.


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