Sweet Relief

My blood sugar tests came back, and my levels were perfectly normal! (Thanks, Abby, for the helpful advice!) That's so happy-- now I have another four weeks of snacking on sweet things when I get the urge. Then I get to test again, but still, those four weeks are four weeks of pure bliss with no dietary restrictions.

As for other pregnancy updates, my OB checked me out and said everything's closed up tight like it's supposed to be, so my contractions have probably been just really noticeable Braxton-Hicks. She mentioned that when you've been pregnant as many times as I have, your uterus is just more irritable and these things are much more obvious. Still, I've been advised to keep up the water guzzling and resting frequently.

Also, I'm measuring large for dates all of a sudden, so she ordered another ultrasound. I go in for that next Tuesday. I think it's just that the baby is growing large quickly, just like normal for me. How else do you explain having 7 1/2 lb. babies when they are a month early?


Abby said…
W00t! I'm so glad you passed your tests. Makes the rest so much easier.

And they kept telling me Peanut would be huge (they just assumed so) and yet, no. And one time my OB just measured me wrong, freaked out, and sent me in for an ultrasound. I never corrected her measuring (since when do you start the measuring tape at your hoo-ha?) because hey, extra ultrasound.

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