The Money Crunch

Here we go again.

It's nothing unusual for most people. Particularly right now. I know I have friends all around me who are wondering where the money is going to come from to buy groceries or pay the next electric bill. Terence and I are once again in that position. It's nothing new with us, but right now I'm finding it particularly painful because I've had to zero out our savings to a degree that I haven't had to in over two years. There is no safety cushion now, and not enough money to buy our normal amount of groceries for the next two weeks.

*deep, heaving sigh*

I'm trying to be calm and exercise faith. Terence says in some ways this is a good position to be in because it means we have to turn to the Lord to see us through. After all, we've done everything we possibly can. We've paid our tithing and offerings, Terence has worked all the overtime jobs he could get, I've taken up teaching piano, and we have tried to avoid any unnecessary debt like the plague. (Arguably, we should have avoided the car loan, but still, buying a used minivan isn't exactly extravagant.)

Now what?

I've scoured the internet for cost cutting tips, but most of it really isn't helpful. Cut out my Starbucks to save $60/month? You're joking, right? Get rid of high-speed internet and cable? Never had those bills in the first place. Cut back my weekend bar nights to once a month? Seriously, these suggestions don't fit our family at all. Even the ones that tell you to accept hand-me-downs for your kids-- come now, there hasn't been a time since M was born that I haven't accepted everything and anything people were willing to give us.

Debt reduction plans don't help either. We have exactly three debt payments: our mortgage, the van, and Terence's school loan. There is no reasonable way we can pay any of those off sooner-- or at least soon enough to help us buy groceries.

So I turned to the Church's provident living website for advice. Of course, they tell me to pay tithing and get out of debt. But they also want us to create a budget and actually live off it. I've tried to budget before, and it never works. Mostly because what we spend is never actually less than what Terence's net pay will be. We always made up the difference with overtime checks, and I don't know ahead of time what amount those will be or when I will get them.

Still, I'm desperate, so I sat down this evening and tried to put together a budget using only Terence's net pay without any overtime (since none seems to be coming in right now anyway.) I cut out all the absolutely inessentials.

It left us with $119.65 for groceries for the month. For a family of six. Yeah. Guess we're going to be living on our food storage. At least we have some.


Ashlie Dalton said…
Ouch! That is scary. But like you said, at least you have food storage.
It's crazy how scary times are getting. And I hear ya on the "cutting back tips". They just don't apply to us either. I guess if worst came to worst, we could get rid of cable and internet altogether and cell phones but that would leave us with no phones since we don't have a home phone. we already have the cheapest plan available which is why i often go over on minutes.
I'm sorry that you have to go through such hard times! good for terence for trying to see the positive in the situation. i on the other hand am not so quick to be positive.
i hope you don't mind long novelish comments because that's pretty much all i ever leave on your blog. sorry :)
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you've reached a crucial time. It is great that you can go to food storage. It will really give you a lot of learning, which may really be a good thing if things get worse. I always try to fix inexpensive meals when I'm budgeting,like soups, stews, beans, rice, etc. Heidi, your life sure has its ups and downs! Good luck!
The Hatch's said…
I don'tknow if any of these sites will help but they offer coupons

These sites will help you with how to get the best deals

Hope this helps having little money sucks!!
Connie said…
Hey, sorry to hear about your situation, but you know that you're not alone! Our little family has been eating off of our food storage for about 6 months and it hasn't been easy, but I'm definitel grateful for it! If you're interested, I can totally help you with coupon shopping. And Valerie M. is awesome at it too. Check out my beginners blog & let me know if you have any questions!! :) ~Connie

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