On Being Oblivious

I feel kind of guilty when I see all the Veteran's Day posts thanking everybody who's ever fought and defended our country. It's not that I'm not grateful-- I am-- but I have no close family or friends who have served or are serving, so I guess it's not really personal gratitude. Still, our soldiers have made lots of sacrifices I don't understand (and hopefully never have to) so that I could be a kinda grateful but mostly oblivious person who is free to go shopping on Veteran's Day.

Speaking of how oblivious I can be, I kind of had a political wake-up call when I was in Mississippi. Like much of the country (judging by the midterm elections), I was getting increasingly frustrated with my politicians. Though I was not at all surprised by Pres. Obama's and Nancy Pelosi's particular priorities, I was rather taken aback by their utter unconcern for public opinion. (Does anybody else remember Ms. Pelosi's asinine statement about them having to pass the health care bill so we could find out what was in the bill? Yeah, to say that many of us were appalled was an understatement.) Anyway, seeing how I am mostly surrounded by people whose political views range from moderate to quite right-wing, I had gotten pretty used to people rolling their eyes when the president came up or maybe even spitting in fury at the mention of his name.

The Deep Black South is another thing.

My first clue that I wasn't in Kansas anymore came at Grandma's house. She had taken a full spread magazine picture of the whole Obama family and put it up on her wall, crowding aside all her pictures of her family members to make room for it. Then, she took an 8x10 head shot of Obama, put it in a nice frame, and put it on display on her end table. When Terence jokingly asked when Obama had become part of the family, his grandma retorted that of course he's part of the family, couldn't Terence see the color of his skin?

Well, I reasoned, Grandma is a product of a different age. For one, she's not at all politically current-- she has told us before that she will forever and ever vote Democrat in gratitude to Kennedy. (Besides, she insisted, only Democrats care about black folks.)

You may consider me naive, but even with this clue at Grandma's house, I was unprepared to find Obama gracing the walls of just about every home I visited. They had quotes comparing him to Lincoln, and titles that said things like "Birth of a Nation" with his profile underneath. It showed a level of devotion to a president quite unlike anything I've ever experienced before, and I can't even relate. If Mitt Romney ran for president and won, becoming the first Mormon president, would I put pictures of him all over my house? I think not. Would I automatically approve of everything and anything he chose to do? Definitely not.

Obviously, having the first (kind of) black president means something far more to Terence's family than just politics. It's like he's a prophet or something-- because, yes, I would put up a picture of Thomas S. Monson if he got elected president.

I find it kind of unsettling, if truth be told. But I can't exactly put my finger on why I feel that way. Any thoughts?


Anonymous said…
It's a tough subject to discuss dispassionately for me, but I, being a devout Christian (Mormon) actually feel that Obama is in league with satan, and that's how I judge him. I believe he's totally controlled by money and has ulterior motives in the downfall of America as we know it. I am a HUGE Glen Beck supporter, which is where I get a lot of my info.
Ashlie Dalton said…
i don't believe a president would want to ruin our country. i don't keep up much with politics (but my husband does, and he keeps me somewhat current) but, i would really like to believe that our president tries to make our country better- some things he does maybe aren't so great and some maybe are.
always voting straight for one party no matter whether you know what they really believe is ridiculous. and i also hate when people try to make it seem like you have to be a republican to be a "true mormon". i don't buy into obama being satan. he has kids and a family that he loves and wants them to have a good future just like everyone else. he is not evil.
obviously a person is going to feel so strongly against the other party if they only listen to one side! it drives me nuts when people (of either party) are so close minded that they can't see fault in anyone in their party.

ok anyway, my whole point is that it is important to do research (including listening to BOTH sides), and making informed decisions. not just worshiping a president because he is black, or white or because he is republican or demorat or because you heard rumors that he is muslim and wants to ruin our country.
Ashlie Dalton said…
i'm sorry if that sounded rude to anyone. i am not very good at writing tactfully and getting my point across.
Heidi said…
I'm not offended :-) Actually, I'm quite impressed that both of you felt strongly enough to express real opinions here (not just a politically correct thought). And clearly grandchildren can have different opinions from their grandparents :-) (As Terence and I are living proof, also.)
by: Kim said…
An interesting topic. I really hate politics(mostly the fake campaining part when every one is bashing everyone to get a step ahead) but when I have to vote on someone i try to get information so that I can vote on the one that I think is the best to represent my values. I remember when President Obama was campaining and he wouldn't put his hand over his heart when the national anthem was played (I feel strongly that every person should show respect for the flag and our country. There have been countless men and women who have served and some have died for our freedoms that we enjoy it is the least that we can do). Also I lost respect for their family when Michelle Obama stated that she had never been proud to be an american until her husband was nominated to be the democratic presidental nominee.
I just can't understand someone living in America and not being proud to live here and have the freedoms that we have here opposed to other countries. If you don't like it here move.
I feel like he is trying to break our country and so far doing a good job of it.

Joseph Smith said, ‘The time will come when the destiny of this nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.’ It will be so.”

I think this time is coming soon and we need to be ready to fight for what we believe.

I hope that all makes sense. I have such a hard time expressing myself.
VKMyers said…
It drives me crazy when people vote for someone because of their gender, the color of their skin or any other unimportant reason. We should, as has been stated, research who we are voting for, pray about it and vote for those people we feel will make the best decisions. That being said, I think that politicians are a bunch of liars, saying anything they can to get elected and then doing whatever they get paid the most by lobbyists to do.

I'm really scared for my kids when it's okay for people to run campaigns based solely on what's wrong with the other guy and funded by large corporations wanting someone who will get in and do them a bunch of favors. We are moving from a nation of, by and for the people to one of, by and for the corporations.

Anyone else praying that the second coming arrives sooner than later?!
Stefanie said…
I remember crying the night Obama got elected. I had just seen a documentary about McCain and I knew how much he loved this country. Then I thought it was neat that a black president got elected. I mentioned this to my very Republican mother who told me that Obama was a liar and bad person. Since then I've decided that does a lot of shady things. I don't think that he has been a good president.

But I am sick of the mud slinging on both sides. I wish I could be as passionate about one candiate or side, but I see good and bad in both. I agree with Ashlie a lot.

Mostly I think this country could use a few less political reporters/pundits/radio talk show hosts, and a few more volunters. I don't know who to believe anymore.
Kaycee said…
I don't want to say too much. I could go on forever when it comes to politics. But I have done my research on both sides and I would have to agree with Gram Pete on the Obama thing. I don't like him, think he is what the church has been talking about when they say things will change in the government/country for the worst.

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