"I'm Freakier than You!"

First, there was that guy that scared me to death by standing in my bike path before the crack of dawn.

Later, there was the owner of Mr. Yippy who drove around my bike path in an incredibly strange manner.

The first experience was definitely the scarier of the two. The second time around I was armed with my OC spray and had my cell phone at hand, ready to dial Terence (he would be faster than the local cops) if need be. But apparently this guy didn't want to be outdone.

A couple of nights ago Terence decided to take a nighttime bike ride. It was late-- past 10:00pm, at least. He started out taking the same route that I used to ride, heading out for that deserted area of streets. Not long into his ride, it seemed like a car was following him down to the dead end with no apparent reason. The driver of this car got fairly close to Terence and then made a u-turn and headed right back down the street.

Turning into Mr. Yippy's drive.

Terence thinks it may have been the same guy. Maybe he was hoping it was me again-- or maybe he is just one weird dude who feels compelled to follow all bicyclists after dark to make sure they aren't up to some kind of mischief.

One thing's for sure-- I am never, ever going to take any bike rides in the dark down there again.


Amy said…
Good Call...that sounds spooky. If a car even slows down near me when I am out while its dark, I speed way up.
The Hatch's said…
I;m telling ya he has something going o in that house where he feels the need to patrol his area. I'd be super suspicious.
Kaycee said…
How freaky! I would never go down there again!

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