Polar Plunging

So it's finally winter here in the desert. Like I've said before, it feels like we don't have autumn-- we skip from summer to winter. One week we have temperatures in the high 80's or low 90's, and then all of sudden it's freezing.

OK, OK. I know I shouldn't whine. We don't have real winter here compared to other places. While some of you people have been getting pounded with snow, and others with tornadoes (yikes!), our weather alert has been a frost warning. Big whoop-dee-do.

Still, when you consider that just a few months ago, my body had adapted to 110 degrees, and this morning I went outside to 30 degrees, you can see why I might shiver a bit. It was a swim workout day for me, and there I was at the pool, my breath coming in puffs of steam as I frantically hopped from bare foot to bare foot while trying to wriggle out of my sweatshirt. By the time I finally slid into the water my toes were numb.

(I envied the lifeguard. She wrapped up in a parka and a blanket before settling in at her post.)

So why in the world am I swimming during the winter if I find it so uncomfortable? I don't have another triathlon planned any time soon. There is absolutely no reason I need to torment myself like this. Except that since I am barely starting to run again, and it is way too dark and cold for me to want to brave the weirdos and dogs on my bike, I have to do something for some serious calorie burning. This is the holiday season, where I go into baking overdrive. I can't seem to help myself. Gotta burn off those treats somehow. That means I need to swim. A lot.

The good news is I am getting in some seriously long swims. This morning I swam 2300 yards (that's about 1.25 miles). Considering that a year and a half ago I could only make it a meager 25 yards, I've come a long way. The bad news is that the gym closes the pool for three weeks in December. Right when I'm going to need it the most!!! Guess I'm going to have to brave the cold and dark and Mr. Yippy and freaky dudes again. Bummer.


Anonymous said…
Well, you are certainly dedicated. Nice going!
VKMyers said…
You are sure a die hard. I don't think I'd have made it out of the house, let alone into an outdoor swimming pool (heated or not)! After this baby comes, maybe you can lend me some of your dedication so I can finally get all the baby weight off!
Lissy said…
Hard core, woman! I love your new profile picture - it's so sweet and you look so beautiful!
Kaycee said…
You remind me of my dad, he will never miss a work out for nothing. That is great!
Becky said…
I certainly hope that pool is HEATED!!!!

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