We Need a Moderator! (Or maybe just some people to prove me right, because sadly Terence does not believe me.)

I need your help settling a minor debate between my dear husband and myself, so I am posting a poll on the side. Even if I get just 1 or 2 votes on my side, I will feel so much better! Anyway, check out the poll, and help enlighten us with what comes to mind when you hear the words "motor cop."


Anonymous said…
Ha ha haha. I hope you get some satisfaction. Thanks for commenting on my blog. If you decide to clean out your office, I'd do it like you said, in small chunks. Don't wait for 5 years like I did so it takes forever to get done. I'm estimating I'll still be trying to organize files well after Christmas.
Brooke said…
So, what side are YOU on?

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