A Mother's Day Letter

Dear Mom,

This Mother's Day I thought I'd publicly share why I am so thankful for you. First, thank you so much for giving me life in the first place! You didn't have to, and just that little willingness to bring a child into your life and allow me to come to earth is a blessing I'll be eternally grateful for.

Second, thank you so much for providing me with a home where I grew up feeling loved and cared for. I know it wasn't easy trying to work full time and take care of a home and three kids. You must have been so exhausted just when we wanted your full attention. But I always felt loved and I knew that busy as you were, my sisters and I were your priorities.

Third, thank you so much for teaching me about the gospel and eternal families and taking me to church, even when I didn't want to go. Now that I know just how difficult it can be to get a car full of children ready and to church, only to spend Sacrament Meeting playing a referee and trying to make them behave, I have a new perspective on how pointless it must have seemed sometimes. Thank you for making the effort anyway! It set me on a path that led to everything that makes my life special and happy today.

Finally, thank you so much for continuing to be there for me even though I am now grown. Even though I have my own family now and I should be able to take care of myself, you are still there to bail me out when the going gets tough. And you are a wonderful grandmother to my children! I love how excited they are to go visit you or to hear that you are coming to one of their activities.

You have always been there for me, Mom, and I hope that now that I am older, I will always be able to be there when you need me too.

With love forever from your daughter,


Kaycee said…
What a nice Post!
Abby said…
That was really nice, Heidi. A good reminder to us all about the sacrifices our moms made and still make.

Also, I love your mom, too. :)
Anonymous said…
One of the best things about being a mom is seeing my awesome daughters take on their lives, the joys and the sorrows, the challenges and the easy stuff. I love having the honor of being your mom and being close enough to be there to participate in some of those moments that define life and celebrate with you on a regular basis. You girls constantly are a source of great joy--I am so glad I got to be your mom!!!
mom said…
oops, slip of the finger...that last post was supposed to say it was from mom.....

btw, Abby-love you too--I miss seeing you. Any plans to come to AZ to visit?
Anonymous said…
1) Awesome letter!
2) Awesome mom!
Abby said…
Probably not, unfortunately. I would love to see everyone again and especially meet Heidi's brood, but with my son's medical stuff we can't travel many places at all, nor can I travel alone. So most travel plans are on hold for a few more years. :(

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