No Txts 4 U

In general I am a slow-to-adapt person. You'll never find me on the cutting edge of technology or fashion or pop culture or anything else, really. I guess I have to see something around me for years before I get comfortable (or even interested) enough to try it out. So texting has been something that I have avoided for a long time. For one, I get charged for every one. For two, it's something I usually saw teenagers doing, and that in itself was enough to put me off.

However, even the most reluctant-to-adapt person can get dragged into the fray.

I'm still in the dark ages when it comes to cell phones. I like my basic cell. In fact, I searched quite hard when I got this last one to find one that didn't have all the fancy features. No smartphones for me. Internet on my phone? Yeah right. I don't even have a downloaded ringtone, for pity's sake. But even still, I have found myself actually having to text on occasion. My primary president texts me when she needs something and one of my piano moms does nothing but text. Even Terence now occasionally texts me on the job. So like many other areas of my life, you think I would slowly but surely be warming up to it. Especially since texting someone can get me out of having to make a phone call, something I avoid like the plague.

It's not happening. I don't like texting at all. It's the grammar that bothers me. If I am going to type something out to someone, I want all the words fully written out and spelled correctly. It also drives me nuts if I don't have capitals and punctuation when I need them. As a result, typing a short text on my non-qwerty cell can take me ten minutes. It's just in my blood, I guess. Grammar does matter to me.

Now, I'm not saying that I read my friends' emails or blogs or Facebook posts and growl at their grammar. But for myself, I have to have things written as correctly as possible, or it drives me nuts. I guess I'm anal that way.

In the interest of full disclosure though, I must tell you that when I see something that is supposed to be formal or professional, it does affect my opinion of the writer if the grammar is not appropriate to the situation. This morning I read a defense of the recent immigration bill by one of the Arizona senators that was riddled with run-on sentences and punctuation errors. Quite frankly, it made me wonder if she should be in the state legislature. Look, if you are supposed to be competent enough to read and vote on bills written in legal jargon, you should be intelligent enough to at least have someone proofread something you are releasing to the public, even if you don't have the faintest clue about grammar yourself. (It's just an "s" or "es" to make a word plural in almost every case, lady! Illegals, not illegal's!)

All right, I'll admit it. I can be a grammar nazi. So I guess that means texting will probably never catch on with me. Oh well. By the time I got it figured out, we'd probably be on to some new way of communicating anyway.


Ashlie Dalton said…
i'm the same way (though your probably thinking i'm a liar since i stopped capitalizing my sentences, and i'm sure have my share of run on sentences on my blog).
i'm in this thing where i like the look of everything lowercase. i'm weird.
my biggest thing though is spelling!!! i notice everything if it isn't spelled correctly. drives me nuts!!!
the texting thing- we are late on technology too. we just upgraded to text less than a year ago because our friends always text us, but i hated it for a long time because of those annoying teens who constantly text.
as for downloading a ring... i don't even know how to do that, and i wouldn't have the slightest idea how to make the internet work on my phone either.
for me- it would be a waste of time and money.
kristi said…
I love texting! It's a great way to talk to Nic ~ he thinks it's cool when I text him. Plus a great way to stay in touch with my sisters when I want to tell them something quick and don't want to talk on the phone. Then I don't forget to tell them the cute little things their nephews do.

Also... my sisters have found it VERY handy during holidays to text me and to text each other (while they are in the same room together) and talk about CRAZY Aunt Cathy and the wierd things she is now saying. :) Bonus with texting noone knows what you are saying...
Stefanie said…
I'm too impatient to push the buttons and I'm not down with all the abbrevations. I would rather just call whoever than try to fiddle with my very old-fashion, does-nothing-but-make-calls cell phone.
Funny story, at the last dentist appointment, the receptionist said they could text me the reminder. I laughed said that I never use my phone for that. She was highly annoyed and said she would just e-mail it to me. And then added, "You do know about e-mail don't you?" Apparently you and I are a rare breed.
Anonymous said…
I ditto about 95% of everything you said, and I can't remember what the other 5% was. I automatically proofread everything I read. Not that I always catch all the mistakes, but it is just something I've done all my life. My pet peeve word is (your, you're), I swear, the most misspelled word out there. Bugs me to no end. But after having to transcribe city council meeting and many, many others over 25 years, it's just a habit I can't lose.
Kaycee said…
I am different. Spelling and gramer don't bother me. I am bad at spelling and gramer, so I understand when others aren't the best at it.
I like to text. when you are busy, or have loud kids next to you, it's so much easier and faster to send a quick text, then to call and talk. Also, if you want to see how some one is doing, but don't want to talk or can't, it's easy just to send a quck text. Or if I have a message to send to 10 people, it's so much easier to send out one text, then to call all 10 people indivdualy.
Kaycee said…
p.s. is "No Txts 4 u" from sienfield? "No soup 4 U"?
Heidi said…
Yep, the soup nazi guy.
Abby said…
"I'm not saying that I read my friends' emails or blogs or Facebook posts and growl at their grammar."

Soooo, you're saying it's bad that I do?

FYI, this is one of my most favorite things in all the world: the AOLer Translator.

Give it a try. My favorite shtick is putting the Gettysburg Address in there. HA!
Abby said…
Oh, sorry, that address is supposed to have "html" at the end, not just "h."
Heidi said…
OK, that was just too hilarious, Abby! I need the reverse translator though. Enter people's texts or posts and translate them so I can understand what the heck they are saying!

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